Part 3

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Sunday at the Jeon's almost feels like you've traveled back in time - only this time, you're in the Seoul Estate and not in Busan, and the little kids running around are your sister's and Junghyun's children and not the 5 of you (well 4, since you never really joined them when you were young).

Your grandparents are in town for an event and Grandfather Jeon is still being monitored as he regains his strength, with Grandmother Jeon staying by his side.

Like families do, you all engage in your usual talk and banter as everyone settles in, and this continues towards the end of dinner. By now, the sun has set, the kids are tired, and you're still nervous.

It's usual for a get-together between both families to take place, especially since you're complete, but you know there's another reason for tonight, and they're dragging it out until the night's end.

Finally, Grandfather Jeon clears his throat.

"I'm thankful for everyone being here tonight," he starts, eyeing each person on the table. "I've been missing home these past weeks but being here with you all has definitely made me feel like I'm home, too."

As he goes on to say about how much has changed, what with their grandkids having grown up and being able to spend time with their great grandkids, you discreetly glance at Jungkook from across the table, wondering if he knows what's about to happen. Your calm smile doesn't match your fidgety hands and nervous breathing. Still, you're fine; it's Jungkook you're worried about.

"While I was recovering, I was able to do much reflection," he continues, eyes distant but full of emotions. "I didn't think of my successes as much as I thought about the constant things in my life, and the most constant thing aside from my family, I've realized, is the Kims," he says. Eyes on your grandfather, he continues, "Brother, we've been through too much. I don't think there's a greater friendship than what we have."

Your grandfather nods in agreement.

"And we've always talked about how best to manifest or symbolize the bond of our families than through a union."

You turn to Jungkook and see his furrowed brows. "A merge?" He whispers to no one.

Your heart races. No one else seems to be curious.

"Brother, cut to the chase," your grandfather chimes in, the elders laughing at the long introduction.

"Okay then. What I mean is, solidifying our family's unbreakable bond through union in marriage."

Jungkook chokes on his drink. Clearly his grandfather is talking about you and him, right? Words fail him, as his grandfather turns to him with a sigh.

"We're done being subtle," he says. "Clearly, sending you and ___ to the same schools, enrolling you to the same classes, and all those weekends and vacations together didn't do anything."

It's the confirmation Jungkook doesn't need. "What, so did our parents plan on conceiving us at the same time, too?" He sarcastically asks, a bitter laugh escaping him.

He turns to you, as if to ask for back-up in letting everyone know how insane this plan is, but you look calm and collected, another one of those measured smiles gracing your face. This angers him even more.

How can you not react to this? How can everyone else seem to be okay with this? Why does it seem like he's the only one in shock? This is a marriage they're proposing, a marriage with you, one person he has nothing in common with. This is a lifetime commitment.

The thoughts manifest on his face, which doesn't go unnoticed by everyone present. Jungkook has always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve; he's never had a problem expressing his discomfort and displeasure of things, especially when it came to the life he's forced to live.

He was always questioning, challenging, defying expectations. You figured that much when in high school, he was dating around and getting into trouble, whether it was a speeding ticket or underage drinking. That's why he was shipped off to the U.S. for college; his bad boy image was starting to affect the company, and his family thought his experience there would be humbling enough to get his act together. It did, somehow, but clearly, agreeing with them isn't part of the new Jungkook.

"It's just a proposition, Son," your grandfather clarifies, a gentle smile on his face doing its job of calming Jungkook a tinytiny bit. "It's still your decision at the end of the day. We're just laying out our families' desires for you both in a more forward manner this time. You don't even have to give us an answer now."

Jungkook nods, appreciative of the clarification, although it doesn't alleviate his worries one bit. It's when he shoots daggers at you that Junghyun decides enough is enough, and he pulls Jungkook out of the table to get some air.

As if to minimize the gravity of the matter, Grandmother Jeon asks for the desserts to be served, and the chit chat about things other than what just transpired resumes.

From under the table, Seokjin holds onto your still-fidgety hands. "He'll come around," he reassures.

Time passes and you're now in the den, having separated from the older adults who have started discussing uninteresting matters. The kids have been prepared for bed and are now starting to doze off. You stand up to help your sister with the bags until the Jeon brothers return.

Junghyun gives you an apologetic smile. Jungkook, with his stoic face, stands next to you with his arms crossed, eyes focused away from you. "Let's have dinner this week," he says.

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