Epilogue: The Honeymoon (07)

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You laugh at Jungkook from next to you, seeing how the helmet is squishing his cheeks and making him look like a little bunny munching on carrots. He doesn't seem amused, though, so you reach out for his hand.

"I love you. Please don't worry. I have a professional with me and he promised you that he'll keep me safe," you say. "I promise you that I'll be safe."

Jungkook knows he'll never be completely at ease but he wants to savor this with you, knowing that it's a joint experience that you'll always look back on. He can see the excitement on your face. You're not an adrenaline junkie but you love sceneries, and he knows you'll enjoy this tremendously.

He opted for a tandem flight, too, saying he's a bit rusty but it's an excuse; he wants to be able to look at you while flying, and focus on that and the scenery, making sure he gets to see everything that you see.

It's a good flight, with the weather cooperating and Jungkook catching glimpses of you enjoying yourself. You marvel at the scene and turn to your husband when you can, noting the smile on his face and you're thankful that you insisted, that he gets to do something he enjoys, and that he gets to share this with you.

As you'd expected, he's quite clingy after, pulling you close as you have your lunch at the restaurant and squeezing himself in the daybed you're lounging at by the main beach. You laugh at Jungkook's antics but let him be, as you enjoy talking about the sights and how it felt.

Not long after, you both decide to take a dip in the ocean and relax at the coolness of the water and how nice the sun is shining, relishing this moment as your last full day here. You're a little sentimental, something you share with Jungkook, and you both excitedly plan your next trip and decide that you'll make it a point to go on a vacation at least twice a year, one of which will definitely be by the ocean.

You're talking about the Christmas Market at Prague that Nari raves about when a squeal catches your attention.

"Daddy, my doll!" A little girl cries out to her father who is carrying her in his arms, unable to leave her even with her floaters on.

You're about to ask Jungkook if he could help but of course, he'd thought of it already, diving down immediately and surfacing with a swimsuit-clad doll in his hand. He approaches the girl who's close to tears, and when Jungkook returns the toy, it's the father who now looks like he's about to cry.

"Thank you so much, mister," the man says, proceeding to comfort his daughter whose head is buried in her father's neck.

"No worries. It's good we're at the shallow end," Jungkook responds with a smile.

He turns to you, blushing at the way you call him a superhero. "You know kids and their attachment to their toys," he says, and you agree, given how all your nieces and nephews fight their parents to not give away their toys until they say so.

You motion for both of you to head out, as you want enough time to get ready for your last night here, and as you're approaching your daybed to dress up, a little voice starts calling out.

"Mister, mister!" The little girl shouts.

Jungkook turns around and is met with tiny arms wrapped around his waist, and you laugh at how her father is panicking, calling out for her to ask first if she could hug him.

"Can I hug you?" she asks. "I just want to say thank you."

She can't be older than 4, and she's got pigtails on a cute smile and Jungkook melts at how soft and innocent she looks. He kneels down and pats her head.

"Yes! And you're welcome. I'm glad I could help you."

"That's my favorite toy. It's from my grandma but she's very sick right now," she says softly. "I didn't want to lose it."

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