Part 11

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"Okay, what is it this time?"

You turn to Hoseok with a shy smile and teeth biting onto your lower lips. "It feels stuffy," you answer him.

"Stuffy? ___, this place is huge!" He says, pinching the bridge of his nose, wondering if you even know the meaning of the word.

"Exactly! You know how you can feel claustrophobic in a big space? It happens!" You argue, not missing the exasperated look on Hoseok's face and the chuckle from Jungkook who's watching all this unfold.

"You know what? Fine. Seokjin didn't give me a heads up about this but it's you so you get a pass," Hoseok winks, softness now evident on his face, and proceeds to make a few calls.

Hoseok's years-long friendship with your brother means he's seen you grow up and naturally has a soft spot for you, and it's the sibling-like fondness, not one that had ulterior motives, unlike the case with your brother's other friends. Hoseok was excited to learn of your engagement and your decision to house hunt early on, confirming what your siblings' have said about the stress that comes with doing it after the wedding.

It's a Saturday and you'd spent the whole morning looking at different penthouses and apartments, with you and Jungkook opting not to go for a house because of maintenance and the practicality of it. Neither of you would admit that you think a house gives off a family-like vibe and feels too intimate.

You'd started off with properties of the Kims' affiliate companies. You think it was a generally good first day of house hunting, but Hoseok would probably disagree. He'd shown you the best ones but you always had something to say. It's not that you're picky; you just want something cozy and homey enough. If you won't be able to feel that with your future husband, might as well make your house feel like it.

But the places had been too shiny, too high, too elegant, too large; they looked like the apartments made for lifestyle magazines, not like the place you'd be comfortable in. Jungkook merely laughs throughout the entire ordeal, claiming all he needs are a comfy couch, a space where he can work-slash-play, and one with amenities such as a pool and a gym.

"You lived on an estate, ___. Your clothes and your princess castles had their own rooms. How can a penthouse with 5 rooms make you feel stuffy?" Jungkook asks, eyebrow shooting up.

"What do we need 5 rooms for?" You reply. "And that's exactly why I got my own place with the girls when I went to college; I needed a place that didn't make me feel so small."

Jungkook weighs your words, trying to decipher what you mean.

He's already learned that you're not like what he'd imagined you to be yet he still gets surprised when you do or say or choose something he thinks someone like you wouldn't normally do, say, or choose and vice versa. When he brings up such instances to his brother, Junghyun waves him off and says, "yeah, I know." Why does he know? "___ isn't that much of a mystery, contrary to what you think. You just never paid attention."

His brother's right.

"Alright," Hoseok turns back to the both of you. "I've got a few places lined up. I can send you the listings and you can narrow them down. Let's visit those you shortlist next week."   


"Hmm, this is the one," you say, eyes wide as they travel along the large windows, hardwood floors, and exposed bricks. Of course you'd choose the simplest option, Jungkook thinks.

Hoseok had given choices that weekend that were less shiny, in mid-rise buildings, had less rooms, didn't have those classy and impractical chandeliers, but still in the relatively high-end areas of Seoul.

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