Part 12

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You and Jungkook find a rhythm. Since your Mondays and Wednesdays are your most stable days, he takes you to work and picks you up and you rock-paper-scissors on who gets to choose dinner (the loser does the choosing, seeing as both of you don't seem to like being the decision-maker). Some days he stays late at work, prompting you to drop by with dinner or getting food delivered to his office.

Sundays are still reserved for family and wedding planning. Your friends and his have made your apartment their home as well, inviting themselves over for movie or game nights on Fridays or Saturdays.

After the first dinner you hosted for your parents, they would drop by unannounced, not so much to "spot check," as what Jungkook calls their visits to be, but to just revel in the fact that this is really happening - their babies are living together and are soon to be married.

It's a Thursday night when Jungkook picks you up to attend one of those events he's required to go to, and now living together, you've been accompanying him as his date, giving ambiguous answers to questions about the nature of your relationship.

Tonight is a social event, as one of their business affiliates is throwing a Gala, which will be attended by key personalities in the business and entertainment industries. Jungkook expects you to look good, as always, seeing as you've been showing up in your beautiful gowns and reminding him exactly why his friends have been giving him shit for saying you're not his type.

You exit your office building in a strapless magenta corset tulle dress, hair in a low messy bun, and stiletto heels not affecting you one bit as you walk down the stairs with such grace. It doesn't register to him that you're right outside the car until you're softly knocking on the window. You look absolutely breathtaking and it takes all of him not to stare at you the entire car ride to the party venue.

"Is everything okay, Jungkook?" You ask, noticing his fidgety hands and constant glances at you.

"Yeah, everything's fine," he responds, half a laugh escaping his lips.

He does a 180 as you enter the hotel. His arm lightly wraps around your waist as you both navigate the crowd, and you nod as he asks you if it's okay. He keeps it there for most of the night, pulling you closer to whisper to your ear whatever it is he wants to tell you, and constantly glances at you when you're pulled apart.

You're not used to this Jungkook, but you can't deny it's causing your palms to sweat and your heart to beat a little faster, the butterflies in your stomach now making their presence known. It doesn't help that he looks gorgeous in his textured charcoal-colored suit and his parted hair, too.

It's in the middle of the night when you finally catch up with your sister, seeing as she's being constantly pulled left and right by different people, knowing full well she's the next in line to take over your family's company. It's never too early to make connections, your dad had always said.

You comment on her looking exhausted and flying solo tonight.

"Min-jun's home with the kids since our caretaker is sick and you know them, they're too picky with who babysits them," Seoyeon says.

"At least he gets to play with the twins," you say.

"Or he's being bullied," Jungkook chuckles and your sister agrees, acknowledging that the twins got their demanding attitude from her.

"Yeah but now we have to push back our spa date again on Saturday since the caretaker won't be well by then," she says, disappointed.

"Is this still to celebrate your engagement anniversary?"

She nods.

"But it's been months!" You say, knowing they celebrate their engagement instead of their wedding anniversary since "it's the first yes that matters," as what your brother-in-law says.

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