Epilogue: The Honeymoon (01)

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You look out the tiny window and marvel at the scene of the tranquil ocean waters, vast and majestic below you

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You look out the tiny window and marvel at the scene of the tranquil ocean waters, vast and majestic below you. Looking at it already makes you hear the sounds of the calm waves, makes you taste the saltiness on your tongue, makes you feel its hypnotic and serene effect.

Right next to you, your husband seems to be doing the same. He already looks relaxed, something you're immensely thankful for, given how the stress he's been under the past months has taken so much out of him.

You turn back to the view and huff in excitement as the cerulean blue ocean transitions to a turquoise color as the seaplane you're on nears the island.

"It's so beautiful," Jungkook peers over you, the wonder evident in his voice, like it's the first time he's seen something like this.

"It's as if you've never flown over the Caribbean or skydove over the Atlantic Ocean, Kook," you giggle, recalling all the photos and stories from his half-year break after university that he loves reminiscing about.

"Yeah, but this one's special," he hums, and you could feel him smile next to you.

He kisses your shoulder before he settles back to his seat, the pilot announcing your arrival at the resort.

As the door opens and you're greeted with the sing-song sounds of the locals, you're overcome with joy and excitement. With the development of your relationship with Jungkook some time ago, the planning for the honeymoon commenced immediately.

Jungkook was so excited and wanted to leave right away, but unfortunately, you both work in unpredictable environments and much as you wanted to get away to your tropical island to enjoy the sun and "do all the sextivities you want, as much as you want," like how your friends put it, it just wouldn't happen. You both wanted at least 2 weeks of vacation and your schedules wouldn't align; one always had something important to do or some other country to be in.

Jungkook was holding out until "life stopped getting in the way" so he could enjoy his time in the islands with you that it got so pushed back, even reaching your wedding anniversary, but after countless rebooked flights and packed and unpacked luggage bags, you're finally here, in the place that your uncle raved about for its beautiful beaches and unmatched hospitality.

You immediately get what he's talking about as you're serenaded by an ensemble right as you enter the lobby. The resort's owner welcomes you with fresh coconut and flower necklaces in hand.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jeon," she greets. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is ours, Ms. Raj," you bow. "My apologies for all the postponements and change in plans, even up to the last minute. We can't imagine how troublesome it must've been for you," you say.

"Oh, that's nothing to worry about. You and Mr. Jeon live such busy lives and we're honored to even be accommodating you here," she responds.

"I thank my uncle for the recommendation, but really, we saw the photos and fell in love immediately," you smile, recalling how the night after your first I love you, Jungkook pulled up the resort's website and decided this was it.

You should've guessed that your uncle would choose to book you your own private island complete with a personal butler and a chef, but true to form, you and Jungkook opted for an over-the-water bungalow instead. It's still in a secluded part of the resort and being able to jump in the water off the balcony right as you wake up was too tempting for Jungkook to give up.

A map and list of activities by the front desk catch your husband's attention as you chat with Ms. Raj, prompting you to proceed to the reception to check in.

You still have everything at your disposal, you're told - from 24/7 room and shuttle services, use of all amenities and water sports equipment, booking of any activity that you want, and the private island should you change your mind midway through your stay, all of which are part of the package.

You're glad you don't have to worry about things, at least for now. You've waited for this for months. You and Jungkook have gotten closer, and you want nothing more than private time with him to get to know him better and revel in the things that you do know and already love about him.

You try to process everything that the front desk agent tells you, but you can't help but glance at Jungkook in his black joggers, white v-neck shirt, and bucket hat ensemble, mouth slightly parted as he watches the TV that shows the different island activities. While you two have a general idea of what you want to do, Jungkook's the type to get a little adventurous and do what he feels like, whenever he feels like.

"Oh Kook, the paragliding site looks amazing!" You say next to him, your hand immediately intertwining with his. "You've been meaning to do that for a while."

He hums in response.

"And the sunrise hike looks stunning, too," you continue. "We should do that."

"I was thinking maybe we could go fishing. Or you know, I could kayak us to a little island or something," he says, voice low. "That seems fun."

Not again, you tell yourself.

"Honey," you tug his hand, prompting him to look at you.


"We're 20-year olds in our honeymoon and we're celebrating our first year anniversary," you say, turning him towards you. "We're not a couple in our 80s enjoying our retirement."

"Hey, fishing and kayaking aren't just for old retired couples."

"Those are literally what our grandparents do together every weekend," you deadpan. "Except kayaking since they use motorized water bikes instead."

"Yeah but they're chill activities and we're here to relax, you know?"

"Kook," you say, taking his hand and placing it on your chest, near your heart, which you know is the reason why he's being like this. "This isn't going to stop beating just because I decided to glide in the air or climb a mountain, okay?"

He looks up at you with a worried look on his face, one he tends to have every time you bring up doing any adrenaline-pumping activity.

"I've been cleared for years," you remind him. "I don't worry about my heart anymore, and I don't want you to. I just want to relax and enjoy and do fun things with my husband. Do you think we can do that?"

You smile. And that's all Jungkook needs to calm his racing heart every time he thinks about you, all the possibilities, and everything that could go wrong, something that he doesn't voice out as much but is evident in his face nonetheless. He knows he's being overly cautious with this one but he just can't help it sometimes.

On nights when he's tired and stressed, he lays his head on your chest to help him fall asleep. It's what he'd tell you, as he'd lightly push you on your back so he can position himself, your pillowy soft breasts cushioning him, and he wraps his arm around you.

He'd let the thought of how lucky he is that you survived long enough to be with him, long enough to love him and be loved by him, to remind him of the things that matter. It would always be your beating heart - more than your soft smile and sweet laughter - that would be his lifeline. And faint as it is right now, he knows it's beating. And he doesn't want to take anything for granted.

"Okay," he smiles, as he takes his hand off your chest to wrap it around your waist and pull you close. "We'll do all those fun things," he whispers in your ear. "But we have to reserve our energy for all the sextivities, alright babe?"

He releases you from his hold and you nod your head, trying to keep a calm demeanor, but the way you're aggressively biting your lip may be giving you away.

Jungkook smirks. "Let's go check out our room, yeah?"

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