Epilogue: Bonus (07)

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The Fight


It started small.

It was a fleeting moment that you barely missed it - one exhale and you felt that knot in your chest that once was familiar. You brushed it off, not thinking much of it. It wasn't the first time, yet all those other times, once was enough and it didn't happen again.

But this time wasn't like that; this time, you felt it once, then another time, then another, the long intervals between knots getting shorter and shorter.

You try to even out your breathing, grounding yourself so you can listen more to what your body is saying, to what your heart is saying. It starts to work as you count the seconds and the minutes because it starts to go away. It may have taken a lot longer, but just like those other times, this one ends, too.

You're unable to process what just happened as your phone rings, your husband's sigh greeting you on the other end.

"Hey, Kook. Everything okay?"

"No. One of the associates gave me wrong figures and I overlooked some elements for my presentation tomorrow," he groans. "I was gonna stay up late in the office but I'm too pissed off. Are you still at the studio? Can I pick you up?"

"Yeah, I'm just working on my last design," you reply, already packing up. "And sure. I can call your favorite Japanese restaurant and we can pick up the food on the way home. Is that okay?"

"Yes please. That's what I really need right now. And you. Be there in 15."

"I'll see you, hun. And chin up, you'll be okay."

He hums his goodbye and you feel the tiredness from his voice, and the earlier ache in your chest is now replaced by worry for your husband.

Jungkook rarely lets the toxicity of his job affect him, so hearing him frustrated is something you're not used to. You feel for him, as the new project he's taken on is a big one, and you just know he wants nothing more than to prove himself to his family this once. He's begun having bigger responsibilities after all, and he's said as much that he wants to step away from his brother's shadow and be his own self, show that he's just as capable and can get things done his way, too.

A small smile tugs on your face, knowing that a good meal and some encouragement from you might do the trick. You call the restaurant and head outside once he messages that he's nearby.

Mr. Yu, the chauffeur, stops the car and Jungkook exits, enveloping you in a hug and mumbling his hi. He doesn't even give you time to properly greet him back, as his body curls into yours and you feel him exhale - a deep one, as if he's been holding onto his breath the whole day.

"Hi," you smile, kissing his nose. "The food will be ready in a while. Let's pick it up and we can talk, okay?"

Jungkook nods and leads you inside, immediately taking your hand like it's his lifeline. He asks you about your day first and you narrate how it went - ocular of a hall you'll be designing and then art class for the kids in the afternoon. Then he talks about his - the tense meeting with the staff member who gave him outdated information, the conversation with his father about the expectations for this upcoming project, and having to skip lunch to help his Japan team troubleshoot something.

"I'm exhausted and my head has been hurting all day but I've got so much to do," he exhales deeply before falling into your lap, your hand reflexively combing his long locks that has him moaning at your touch.

"Hmm. And how much coffee have you had today?"

"Five cups," he answers with his eyes closed, his breathing steadying now as you start to massage his temples.

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