Epilogue: The Honeymoon (06)

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You and Jungkook almost didn't make it to your sunrise mountain trek. You'd both been too cocky to think that you can manage after last night's happenings, but the hangover wasn't bad when you woke up and you knew that Ms. Raj would pull all the stops to make sure your trip to the mountain would be perfect.

Fresh fruit juices and fried bread greet you in the vehicle, and your two guides are a lively pair, helping you keep your energy up. It's a short drive to the place and a relatively easy climb, but they assure only the most stunning views from the top.

You're able to keep up during the climb, with Jungkook constantly checking up on you and offering a piggyback ride every 10 minutes. You'd both been playful and animated, with him at one point carrying you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes when you didn't want to walk over the muddied path.

You reach the peak in over an hour, with the perfect spot set up for you to watch the sunrise and enjoy your picnic breakfast. You're seated between his legs as he wraps his arms around you, feeling sentimental, as you'd only imagined how the sunrise here would look. And it did not disappoint.

You watch the color of the skies change and the bright star cast its glow over the group of islands, and you could feel your husband hold his breath like you do, amazed at being able to witness something so natural - an everyday occurrence, really - yet so magical at the same time.

The breakfast you enjoy after is unsurprisingly delicious, and you ready yourselves for the hour long descent down the mountain.

A buzzing sound catches your attention, and you both look up to see a paraglider fly by where you are. You watch Jungkook's eyes widen, as any activity that gets his blood pumping and allows him to see pretty sights makes him excited.

You know this, it's why you pushed for this climb. And it's why you're convincing him right now for both of you to sign up for paragliding for tomorrow, as you're told that the take-off point is not far from where you are.

He says he'll think about it, but the way he quickly dismisses the suggestion tells you that he won't and that he's made up his mind already.

You don't bring it up again until some time in the afternoon, after you've both showered, taken naps, and ridden the jet ski.

"We've seen the views, ___. Those are enough. Let's just enjoy our last full day tomorrow by the beach," Jungkook says, as you both lie down on the daybed on the balcony and he pulls your head to this chest.

"But I want to enjoy it by paragliding. Don't you?" You ask, facing him.

"I've done it before," he sighs.

"I haven't."

"All the more we shouldn't."

"But I know you want to do it and so I want to do it," you protest.

"Don't want it because I want it, ___."

"Don't not want it because you think I can't do it, Jungkook."

"Baby," he sighs.

"Honey," you sigh, crossing your arms now.

"It's not that I think you can't. It might be dangerous for you, that's all I'm saying."

You pull out your phone because you knew this was gonna happen. "I got clearance from my doctor," you show the signed form. "I'm cleared to do every single thing on this list, and that includes paragliding. You're not the expert, Jungkook. He is," you pout.

"Well I'm your husband, not your doctor," he says sternly. "And you really got all those things listed?" He asks, looking at the form that includes climbing a mountain.

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