Part 20

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What happens right after the wedding is not as eventful as one might expect. You and Jungkook are both really tired (or nervous?), and that's shown in the small talks you both resign to, the simple back and forth of question and answer. It isn't until you ask him to unzip your dress from the back that the air gets tense, and he asks if he can shower first and he runs to the bathroom right as you say yes.

You take your time with your bath after him, which is complete with rose petals, essential oils, and a scented candle, and you let the warm water calm down your nerves. By the time you finish, Jungkook is asleep, tucked under the covers on the edge of his side of the bed.


Jungkook wakes up from a dream, the kind where he's free falling, causing him to jerk off the bed. He spreads his arm and realizes that you're not next to him when he finds an empty space instead.

He turns to the other side and sees you dressed in a silk robe over your matching nightgown, arms crossed with your eyes darting outside the window. He checks the alarm clock and sees it's almost 4AM.

"___? Everything okay?" He calls out.

"Couldn't sleep," you reply, turning to him then back out the window. "I'd stay out but it's freezing."

"Are you cold now?" He asks. His feet finds the floor and walks to you, a safe distance in between.

"I'm okay," you smile.

He looks out to see what's caught your attention and marvels at the lake reflecting the moon. Of course, the water makes you think.

"I couldn't really sleep. I think it's sinking in just now," you say after a long silence. "It's you and me from now on, Jungkook. There's no more turning back from this."

He notices your deep breaths. "Are you scared?" He asks.

This catches you off-guard, and you stop yourself before you admit that yes, you are, for reasons you don't want to say.

He takes your silence as a yes. "You don't have to be. Whatever it is you're scared of, we'll face it together, okay?" He walks towards you and you shiver at his proximity. "From now until the end of our lives, we'll have each other."

He reaches out to you, fingers brushing your arm, as if to test the waters. You move towards him a little, as if to say it's okay. He slides his arm around your shoulder and holds you close, chin resting atop your head, not missing the sudden stiffness of your body. He soothes your back and you wrap your arms around him.

You're suddenly hyper-aware of everything about Jungkook, especially with how he feels at this moment, but he relaxes at the feel of you, hoping you'll do the same.

You release a soft laugh. "Not so nervous anymore, Kook?" A teasing smile gracing your face as you look up at him. "Don't think I didn't miss you stuttering a little bit during our vow exchange."

He laughs this time and scratches the back of his head with his other hand. "I was, wasn't I? Even during the kiss, I felt so jittery. I..." he pauses, catching your eye. "I was so annoyed at myself because that's not how I wanted to kiss you."

You gather yourself and with a cocked brow, you ask. "How did you want to kiss me?"

"Not like that," he chuckles, his arms falling limp at the side. "I mean, you were standing there looking like a literal goddess and I gave you a peck on the lips like a 7-year old giving his first kiss."

You heat up at his confession; he's never complimented you like that before.

"I wanted to at least put more conviction into that kiss. You know, like I mean it."

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