Part 14

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"You fuck your gorgeous fiancé for the first time and you don't remember?" Jimin says, as he takes the weights off Jungkook's hands. "You're really an idiot."

"What! You saw how drunk we were last night," he argues.

His friend, whom he'd invited for an afternoon at the gym ("to shake the hangover off," Jungkook had told you), rolls his eyes. "So you mean the flirting last night and those public displays of affection were all due to the alcohol?"

"Yes. Sort of," Jungkook responds, but the question causes him to think deeper.

You two had been more affectionate with each other the past weeks, that's for sure. He's often tempted to wrap his arms around you from behind when he sees you cooking or painting; some days he just wants to hold your hand when you're laying on the sofa or when he's driving with you on the passenger seat. You have this mannerism of scrunching your nose when you find something cute and he just wants to squish your cheeks when you do. But kissing? Having sex? Cuddling? Too intimate, but they're apparently what you'd done last night.

He doesn't remember much after the car ride. It's all hazy, like snapshots of events, and it seems the case is the same with you. But with clothes all over the foyer and living room floors, the bite marks on his chest and your sore limbs, you both conclude that it was a pretty rough night; he's just not sure if he's glad he doesn't remember it or not.

"Still not sleeping on the same bed?" Jimin breaks him out of his reverie.

"Nope, too intimate. Plus, we're not married yet and we're not even together," Jungkook replies, moving now to another weight equipment.

"I think everything you've been doing trumps not being together, Jungkook. This is someone you're going to marry, and don't give me some bullshit that you're not attracted to her because even before you got drunk, you were already ogling her," Jimin says as he spots his friend. "And don't think we didn't notice your jealous looks whenever someone approached her."    

"I wasn't going to deny that," he says, earning him a cocked eyebrow from Jimin. "It's just, we're not there yet."

"Where's there? "

"There! Like, that place where inhibitions are gone, vulnerabilities are bared, walls are inexistent, dreams are shared..."

"Wow, what a hopeless romantic. You could've just said you're not in love yet."

It's true, he isn't yet. But what he thought before was not likely to happen, suddenly feels possible. There's just that stubborn part of him that doesn't want to give in. Perhaps it's the feeling that things didn't happen as naturally as he wanted, or it's the idea that being in love with you would play into what his parents had wanted for him all this time; or maybe it's that unyielding side of him that doesn't want to admit that everyone had been right about both of you this whole time.   


That Friday night still plays In Jungkook's head, as he tries to remember how it felt like having sex with you. You don't seem too bothered, as you'd gone back to normal like nothing happened. He was the one feeling a little awkward but you, as always, were composed and unfazed about the whole thing. This time, he's thankful; maybe it didn't mean as much to you as well.

It's a Thursday and Jungkook isn't having a good day. He's been troubleshooting all morning, dealing with clients with too many demands, and their staff handling the expansion in the Japan office have been slacking off, causing unexpected delays and a domino effect on all their deadlines. His dad makes the call and assigns Jungkook to travel to Japan the next day to fix the mess, something he's not too fond of doing. His head hurts and he just wants to go home. His soothing of his head is interrupted by a ring of his phone.

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