Epilogue: The Honeymoon (02)

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It's quite the walk to your bungalow, but it's one you enjoy given the view of the ocean and the friendly smiles of hotel staff that greet you. Past the pools and gardens, you make it to a walkway that leads you to your home for the next couple of days, the one at the very end that juts out to the South Pacific Ocean.

You're welcomed to a mix of sweet and earthy scent, and you're too immersed in the homey and natural feel of your room that it doesn't process immediately that it actually is filled with a variety of tropical flowers, and on the coffee table sits a pretty hand painted vase filled with more - some chrysanthemums, orchids, hibiscus, and few others that bring life and color to the room.

You're about to comment how it's sweet of the staff to prepare these until a card with your name catches your eye.

No smile that's sweeter, no touch more tender, there's no soul more beautiful than what you have. Happy honeymoon and anniversary, my lovely wife. All this may wither but my love never will.

A smile graces your face at the incredibly cheesy but very Jungkook-like message on the card. He clears his throat as he watches you go over the words multiple times.

"Do you like them?"

"Is this what you'd tell girls to get them to go out with you?" You giggle as you turn towards him.

"Well, I didn't actually need to say anything," he responds cheekily, moving towards you. "But that was the least cringe-worthy of all my options because for some reason, a love note that's accompanied by flowers is pretty cheesy. I realized that just now," he laughs.

"It is, but these are beautiful, Kook," you affirm him, glancing over the flower-filled vase that he confirms is hand painted and something you can bring home with you.

"I just knew you'd miss your flowers back home so might as well have some of your own here," he explains, his arms around your waist now. His flushed cheeks cause your insides to melt.

You grip the edges of his bucket hat and pull his face towards you. "Thank you," you whisper, and you kiss him languidly, enjoying his mint taste and soft hums against your mouth. Your tongues entangle, teeth biting each other's lips, and you feel yourself getting warmer, the thought of worry-free days of just doing this makes you feel hot everywhere.

The sound of the doorbell disrupts you. You walk towards the door and turn the knob and you're greeted with a large platter of desserts - strawberry jam-filled donuts, profiteroles, mango eclairs, and more. Your eyes widen in joy; no matter where you are in the world, sweets are sweets and you'll never get enough of them.

"Great, they got the profiteroles right, easier for you to eat in one bite," Jungkook says, and you all but jump at him at this moment.

He doesn't seem to be trying, really, as he just naturally picks up even the most trivial things about you now. The fact that he does, that he pays attention and remembers these things, are most often enough to ease whatever bits of insecurity you feel when it comes to being his wife, something natural, you think, as Junghyun has mentioned that Jungkook has bouts of them, too, although you did not prod.

"What's with all the surprises, Kook?" You ask, as you pop a piece of profiterole in your mouth. "Flowers and sweets? You really know the way to my heart."

"They're just appetizers for the real gift," he says, voice low this time.

"There's more?" You cock an eyebrow.

His smirk and the way his arm is propped against the balcony door should've been your hint.

"Me. I'm the gift," he states.

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