Never ending

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I watched as King played with legend and all the kids , he was a great father

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I watched as King played with legend and all the kids , he was a great father. I was happy he was my child's father but I was hurt we weren't raising him together. My family always asks when we plan on getting back together but I didn't see it happening anytime soon.

I was in love with King but he chose the street life over being home with his family & I wasn't gonna keep worrying all night waiting for him to come home.. I had a son to raise & so did he.

"He's getting so big , it's crazy how he's already 1." Kings Mom says.
"I know , I be wanting to cry looking at how big he is." I say smiling at him , My baby was perfect.
"Your an amazing mom , my grand baby is truly blessed." She says , I know she wanted to bring up King but she knew right now wasn't the right time.

Legends party was great , King would try and talk to me but I was busy. It was one thing after the other , part of me was thankful because I didn't know if I was ready to talk to him. We had a lot of things that were left unsaid and we both deep down needed closure. I was still very in love with King but I couldn't be with him while he was still running the streets.

Legend had stayed with my mom tonight , I was at home pouring a glass of Taylor Port & rolling a wood. Today was a good day & I was truly happy with how well my babies party went. I couldn't help but to wish I was ending my night with King , I missed hearing his laugh & his voice.

I lit the wood while listening to Fantasia - when I see you , when I heard a knock. Just by the knock I knew it was him , I knew everything about him. Something was on his mind.. or else he wouldn't be here. Opening the door I walk away letting him come in , I sat back on the couch hitting the wood.

We stayed silent until the wood was gone , we were both very high and a little tipsy off the wine.

"Why'd you come here?" I ask , I wasn't complaining but I really wanted to know.

" do you know how hard it was for me to be around you and not treat you like were together ?" He asks , I did know because all I wanted was to feel his arms wrap around me.

"I never wanted to make you choose but I was tired , tired of constantly worrying about if you'll make it home or if I'll get a call , tired of feeling like I was in this relationship alone , feeling like our home was a pit stop for you.. I just wanted you to see that your family needs and wants you more than the streets." I say truthfully , I didn't want us to be here but I wanted him to start thinking like a parent and not a street nigga.

"I was done with the streets a month after you left me , I wanted my family back but I seen you at the club one night .. you were living your single mom life and you looked like you were truly enjoying yourself. I didn't want to ruin it so I let you be , but as time kept going I couldn't sleep. I was so use to having you in my arms , sleep became impossible. About 6 months ago I opened up a shop.." he says

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