His Wife

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i couldn't wait for the kids dad to come get them , it had taken me awhile to actually have the motivation to go on a date and i couldnt help but admire myself as i hadn't gotten dressed up for anyone besides Knox

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i couldn't wait for the kids dad to come get them , it had taken me awhile to actually have the motivation to go on a date and i couldnt help but admire myself as i hadn't gotten dressed up for anyone besides Knox.

the dress hugged my body perfectly and i couldn't help but feel nervous as Knox would see me before my date as well , i would always love Knox but he was a business man and it took me leaving him for him to get a family schedule.

i heard the bell ring as the kids ran towards the door making loud noises with their father , i grabbed my purse and phone and began walking downstairs , Knox's eyes landed on me the moment he heard my heel hit the stairs , he scanned me like he was in need his eyes held onto me until he realized how close i was.

"you look beautiful." he says genuinely.

"thank you , i feel ridiculous." i say feeling nervous under his gaze.

"don't , whoever your going to see is lucky." he says , his voice held hurt and regret.

"mommy you look pretty." Royce our son says , my son was the sweetest for some reason our daughter got her daddy's bad ass side.

"thank you my boy , your the sweetest." i say pecking his cheek as he smiles big. "I love you guys , i will see you tomorrow." I say and walking out , Knox decided to watch the kids at my house since they had begged him to just stay home , after all this home was his before too.

as i made my way into the restaurant i noticed my date , he was attractive and he seemed like he had money but i knew this wouldn't go anywhere.

"So you have kids ?" He asks , he seemed genuinely interested in my life.

"Yes , Royce and Gianna." I say smiling softly.

"Is their dad around ?" He asks.

"Very much." I say.

"You're very beautiful." He says making me blush.

"Oh , thank you." I say chuckling nervously.

"I mean it , I am very lucky to be able to be on this date with you." He says.

"You're too kind , really." I say as his hand dips to my chair moving me closer to him.

the rest of the date was decent and he honestly wasn't a bad guy , he actually seemed too good to be true , i walked hand in hand with him towards my front door i couldn't help but feel nervous as i wondered what he expected now.

i looked in his eyes as my back faced the door , his eyes held hope but I didn't know what for.

"I really enjoyed tonight." He said smiling.

"Me too , I had a really nice time."'I say.

"Can I kiss you ?" He asks , i didn't know what to say so I nodded and just as our lips were about to touch the door was whipped open and it was Knox looking mad , i couldn't help but look at him big eyed as I realized I had almost kissed this man with Knox here.

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