let me love you

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Sorryyyy for the late ass update but i got a few coming !

the argument we had gotten into was heated and it had been one of our worst , i began to get even more mad as I realized he had a car follow me

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the argument we had gotten into was heated and it had been one of our worst , i began to get even more mad as I realized he had a car follow me.

i took the tracker out because i didn't need tabs on me and i wanted to clear my head , he was my best friends brother and he was the most feared Mafia King. We had been in war with Russia and he had chose to protect me from afar instead of up close and personal.

he had kept trackers on our cars , and he had wanted to know everyone's whereabouts and we had to have a bodyguard - my eyes watched as the car that he had follow began to act oddly suspicious and it more so began to feel like a chase.

i grabbed my phone calling him to tell him to back off but the words he had told me had me scared for my life.

"Enzo back off , tell them to stop following me now!" I say rudely.

"Tesoro what are you talking about ? I haven't sent no one to follow you." He says sternly.

"Oh fuck im being followed." I groan. " I'm gonna put you on speaker but I need you to trace my phone while I try and lose them." I say and do as I said.

"Okay I found you , we're leaving now be careful Tesoro." He says making me shake my head at the feeling of guilt creeping all over me , i watched as they sped up but I decided to take a quick exit only allowing one car to follow me as i began to race down the highway I seen another car shoot through cars trying to get towards me and i knew it was Enzo.

I picked up my speed as did my attacker and just as I moved over to get off on the exit as he tailed me I pulled back onto the highway feeling relieved to have lost him.

"Pull over." I heard Enzo say.

"I'm fine." I say.

"It's not up for debate." He says making me sigh and slow down pulling onto the side of the highway and parking the car.

i watched as he parked the car as well and I hopped over the glove department onto the passenger seat as he hopped into the drivers seat and began heading back home.

the ride for the most part was quiet but he asked the initial are you okay and asked if I needed anything before we got back to the house but i declined.

i felt guilty for being selfish and running off but he had my feelings all over the place and i needed to get away from him , maybe it was time i took a trip. i was mainly here to support Alexia but she had found herself a beau and i was happy for her.

as we pulled into the driveway i finally spoke and i knew the conversation we were about to have wouldn't end good.

"i will pack my bags tonight and i will be heading to brazil , im telling you my whereabouts so you know and because i don't want protection. my life isn't in your hands and i will always just be Alexia's best friend." I say sighing and not moving an inch to attempt to look at him.

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