Chapter Sixteen

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"Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!" I jolted out of bed. "I'm fucking late!"

I ran to my closet and grabbed the closet clothes. My fucking alarm didn't go off and it's the middle of first period. Slipped the clothes on then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and well use it.

As soon as I fished, I went to the kitchen and put some coffee on to start. What? If I'm gonna be late at least I had my coffee.

I got my shoes on and stuff together while that was in the process of making. Now I'm ready for when it's done.

Just then it hit me, I hadn't checked my phone. I unlocked it and had tons of messages from Ember and a few calls. I sent her a quick explanation text then got my coffee in a cup and went to the car.

I turned on some music and left my house. This is going to be a fun day.

Arriving at school I walked in the front doors and turned into the front office."Good morning Mr Roxeen." I greeted who I think is the... principal? We won't talk about how I'm not sure. Yeah I've talked to him and her knows my name but I still don't know his exact job.

"Morning Carter. Why are you late?" He asked looking back at me.

"My alarm didn't go off and it was already in the middle of first period once I woke up. Sorry Sir."

"It's alright Carter. Just don't make a habit out of it." He scribbled something on paper and handed it to me. "Here go to second period now and that's your pass since you're a bit late for that class now."

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I then walked off. That was some disgusting kindness. 'Sorry Sir.' and  'Have a nice day.' Nasty, I never say that I just wanted to leave so I had to be kinder than usual, yay.

I knocked on the classroom door and was let in by a classmate. I immediately walked up to my teacher and gave her the note along with a quick 'I'm sorry I'm late.' not really thought.

Then the class went on and on till I was let out by the bell. Now I'm walking to English where I'll meet Ember at our seats. The teachers Mrs Valery but she's been out for half the classes we've had. I don't know if she'll be here all year, it's sad I actually liked her unlike half my teachers. I only like her and Miss Cameron.

I sat at my seat and waited for Ember. When she came in she practically yelled my name, "Carter!"

I smiled and waited for her to sit. "I got so worried when you weren't here and didn't tell me anything before hand. You always do. I was tempted to go talk to you know who and see if she knew anything. Don't fucking scare me like that!" She was talking so fast but I kept up.

"I'm sorry." I said. "My alarm just decided to sleep for the day and take a day off without saying anything."

"We got a sub again." She sighed. Ember also like Mrs Valery, she is a great teacher.

"I hope she's okay. She hasn't been here for a week." I added.

"You're right."

The sub came back in and turned on a movie and lets us do whatever till the class was over. Of course Ember and I are just talking.

"I'm so happy for you Carter." She said out of nowhere and I just looked at her blankly.


"You're welcome." She smiled.

When the bell rang we got up and walked out. As always she's walking me to Spanish, now I get why but I didn't before.

We arived and she said bye while I walked over to the door. "Hola Carter.

Sometimes You Have To Be Independent (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें