Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Aren't you so excited for later?" Ember asked, as her locker shut.

"To spend more time with you then I already do? Nope." I smiled. "I'm very excited, Ember."

I didn't feel like being that mean. At least early in the morning when she's not even half awake. Her brain wouldn't process it right.

"Yay. It's going to be fun." She mumbled, already half asleep I see.

"If you aren't asleep for it."

Just then the bell rang and she jumped awake. "Holy shit!" At least she's not asleep anymore.

"Look who decided to wake up." I laughed at her. She put on an annoyed expression at that.

"I'll be going." I pointed down then hall then began to speed walk before she decided to run after me.


"Who's all coming tonight?" Ember asked me.

"How am I supposed to know?! You planned the damn thing."

"Do I look like the person that wants to talk to people?" I raised my eyebrows at that. "Okay don't respond to that. But you are also the person who always knows who's coming."

Yeah when it's just us two.

"So I'm supposed to have all the answers?" I watched her nod, I rolled my eyes. "Alex and I are definitely going to be there, so are you. I assume Stephanie will be, if anything we will make her come. And Daniella I do believe is coming."

"See you do know!"

Instead of rolling my eyes I tossed my pencil at her. She nearly fell out of the chair as it hit her in the face.  It was an accident, I was aiming for her hair.

"What the... was that for?!" I shrugged as she tried to straighten herself up.

"It was funny." I muffled a laugh. She looked so, so graceful.

"No it wasn't! I could have died. You almost killed me twice now!" She exclaimed.

"Oh well." I smirked. "Third time's the charm."

"No, no! No more trying to kill Ember." Her finger wagged in my face. I was very tempted to bite it but when I looked over Mrs Valerie was watching us. So I bit my tongue and looked back at Ember.

"But it's my favorite game!" I pouted. It's so fun and entertaining. I know she loves it.

"No it's not." She mumbled, just in time for the bell to go off.

I slung my bag onto my shoulder as I stood up. "But it is." Then I ran out of the room, her hot on my tail.

Or course I had to speed walk Incase Mr Hall decided to be roaming the hall.

"Carter get your ass back here!" I heard for a distance. Maybe she's not so hot on my tail.

"How about no." I turned the corner when I took a quick glance at her. She was trying to speed walk but miserably failing as her bag was falling. In other words, she kept dropping the damn bag.

I smiled as Alex came into view and my heart speed up. She was already watching for me before I turned the corner, I could tell from her body language. And she was staring intensely till I popped up, I believe.

"¿Qué hiciste? ¿Por qué estás caminando rápido?" Ugh, can't Ember be the one who did something for once.

"No hice nada. Pero Ember me persigue." I smiled as she gave me a look. At least I'm with Alex in my last moments.

I turned to see Ember just a few foot away, fuck. "No escuches nada de lo que dice. Todo son mentiras."

"Carter deserves detention. She said her favorite game was trying to kill Ember. Me!" She told Alex. Then stormed away, her stomping very loud.

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