04| Professional

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Alice Pov

I could hear my heels clicking against the floor as i walked from my office and towards Sage office. I had a few accounts that didn't add up and i had to bring it to her because it's getting very confusing.

I knocked on her door before I heard her say come in. When she saw me she smiled before giving her work a glanced and back at me.
"Whats wrong?" She asked as i walked inside before closing the door and showing her the accounts.
"I'm getting confused with these and I don't really know how to deal with these because it's not what I'm use to seeing." I explained and she sighed before taking them from me.

"I'll deal with them, is there anything i have to do after this?" She asked and i opened the tablet to check and she was clear after that. "No your free." I said and she nodded her head before checking the clock. "Come back in an hour and bring your bag." She said making me smile and i left her office feeling her stare on me.

I'm now in my office texting Zoey because i had nothing to do and she wanted me with her in about, 30 minutes.

Zoey- im laying in my crib and you?
Alice- at work.
Zoey- I want a sleep over with you.
Alice- I'll have to ask my mommy first
Zoey- well go go I wanna know if i can come over
Alice- okay okay, bye
Zoey- byee

I played some games before i found out that it was 8 now, I stood taking my bag and heading to her office I opened the door and she looked up at me as she was on her phone.
I noticed the there was alot of space on the ground and i was guessing it was for me.
"Lock the door." She said and i and I closed the door before locking it I walked over to her making her pull me on her lap.

I dropped her bag already relaxing in her hold. She took my heels off before she picked me up and placed me on her desk. I swing my legs waiting for her to give me my paci, when the pulled it out she took off the cover and i opened my mouth making her slip it in.

I started to suck on my paci as she pulled out my blanket. She laid it down before I hopped off and crawled onto it. It's so soft and fluffy she gave me my panda stuffy and I held onto it before she pulled out my colouring book and crayons. I eagerly waited for her to place them down before I started to find the page i was at.

She said behind me and wrapped her arms around me before relaxing and watch as I colored. Soon I could hear her using her phone but i didn't mind it. I kept coloring until she stopped me.

"Time to go home and eat." She said picking me up as if i was a pillow and placed me on her desk. She put my heels back on before she packed up and put my bag over her shoulder. I still held on to my stuffy and sucked on my paci.
She took our phones and got everything she need so far before we left her office.

We were in the lobby and I could fell people looking at us and i didn't really like it. I looked up at her and she looked down at me. She pulled me closer and wrapped her arm around my waist.

Once we reached her car she help me in before getting in. She started to drive and i made sure to text my sister to make sure both her and her daughter was okay.
Everything went well before we reached to Sage place. When we got inside i immediately went to the bathroom making her laugh at me.


I sighed as I walked out in one of her clothes. I had on my tights and one of her black shirts. I saw her leaving the room and I followed behind her.
I followed her all the way to the kitchen and sat down at one of the stools watching her grab something from the cupboard.

When she turned around and saw me she jump in fight making me laugh. "You scared the shit out of me." She said and I smiled walking around to her.
"What are you making?" I asked and she came to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Anything you want." She said and i smiled my eyes going down to her lips, they were pink and plump. I want to kiss them. "I want to kiss you." I said out loud and she smirked before leaning down and connecting our lips.

The door suddenly opened and I was about to pull away but she grabbed the back of my neck and deepen it. She bit my lips making my moan in the kiss.
When she she finally pulled away we heard a gasp. Looking I saw a man and woman standing at the door. Sage eyes widen in shock.

"Mom, Dad you vacation ended quick." She said anxiously and I pulled my lips in lost of what to do in this point. It was quiet and no one was speaking, the man was just looking at me and the woman was also..... looking at me.

"Hi, my name is Alice." I said shyly and the woman smiled softly before she gave her bags to one of the men next to her. "Isn't she adorable Joe." The woman said before coming near me, i glanced at Sage who was busy making dinner.

"I'm Sage mother, Olivia and that's my husband Joe." She said introducing herself and her husband. She sat at the island and asked for me to join her. "Please tell me how long are you guys?" She asked and i hummed.
"You could say two weeks and two days." I said and she smiled before continuing to ask questions. I answered her honestly before her father spoke.

"Where's your family?" He asked and his tone scared me honestly. "My sister and her daughter are staying at my place and i have no clue who or where my parents are." I said and they all looked at me surprised.

"Well um what about your last name any clues?" Joe asked and i shook my head.
"Its Just Alice Williams."
We spoke some more until Sage finished making dinner for all of us.
She sat next to me and gave me my plate before resting down her parents plate.

We all digged in and ate her delicious food. I would naturally cook for myself alot hur this food makes me want to eat her food only.

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