31| Princess Treatment

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Checking the time it was 7:57 and i groaned before I went back to our bedroom. "Princess wake up." I said, she keeps sleeping in and I'm going to make sure she eats on time and and does everything on time.

Next week we are going to do an ultrasound and I am excited for it. Shaking her a few times she finally opened her eyes and I smiled hearing her groan.
"Get up, while I set your bath." I said and she sat up as I entered the bathroom. Making sure the water is right I added her favorite things to the bath before I went back out to get her.

Taking her shirt off I threw it to the side before she stood and i made her hold onto me as I helped her step out of her shorts and underwear.
I pecked her lips making her open her eyes, carrying her to the bathroom I got accustom to her weight at this point.

After her bath I helped her get dressed before we went downstairs, making her sit as i prepare breakfast i knew she was half asleep.
"Alice." I called and she looked at me with hooded eyes. I sighed before i turned the fire off and went to her.

"Baby what's wrong." I asked wrapping my arms around her and she sighed hugging me back.
"I don't know Sage, I'm just really tired and my back hurts." She mumbled in my chest and i rubbed her back softly. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"After you eat and take a nap ill give you a back massage okay." I said and she looked up at me smiling, I smiled back at her making her blush before she looked away.
"Okay." She said and I kisses her cheek before going back to making breakfast. I ended up feeding her before we cuddled up and watched some series together until she fell asleep.

I picked her up and pulled her our room. I fixed her pillows the way she likes it before fixing her properly.
I walked back out before going to my office to do some work. By the time I was finished it was getting dark.

I stood and left after saving most of the work, I went to the closet to see what I can put her in. I sighed when I saw nothing i liked before I picked out clothes from my side of the closet for us to wear.

I put them to the side before I work her up. "What." She groaned and I kissed her puffy cheeks. "Legs go princess, we need to get ready I'm taking you out today." I said and she sighed before she sat up, I went to the bathroom.

Once everything was set up I got her into the bath, having her between my legs as i put her hair up.
"Where are we going?" She asked and i hummed thinking for some time.
"We're going shopping before we buy things for dinner." I said and she looked back at me confused.

"Why are we going shopping?"
"Because I want to buy you and and my baby things, no relax your shoulders." I told her and she turned back around and leaned forward.

"Your forgot about my massage." She said and i hummed putting the oil in my hand. "I know, I forgot when i was working. But I'll give you one after dinner." I said and she hummed before she moaned softly, loving how my hands were moving on her body. I run my hands around her and cupped her breast.

"Stop being perverted." She moaned and i kissed at the nape of her neck, running my fingers over her nipples before I lower my hands. Pulling her back into me so i could see her body fully.

I smiled as I ran my hands up and down her growing belly. "I want a boy." I said and she shook her head, I groaned making her smiled. "I want it to be a girl just to see how you'll react." She said and i scoffed.

"If she comes crying to me from a heartbreak I'm going to break that boys heart." I said and she hummed looking up at me.
"And how would you do that?"
"Kill his family infront of him slowly before I take his heart out and throw it away." I said picturing how ill do it in my head.

"What a turn off." She said and i smiled before i kissed her cheek and run my hands down her smooth front, she moved her hips in a way that made me know she wanted my touch.
"Are you wet princess?" I asked softly making her close her eyes nodding her head.

"Do you want me to touch you?" I asked again and she moaned softly when i started circle her clit with my two middle fingers.
"Yes, I want you to touch me." She said and I pulled her up so she was on my lap properly before I started to rub her slowly.

She moaned and rested both hands on the tub sides just before I slipped my fingers in. I wasn't going to go slow with my fingers so i immediately gave started to finger fuck her at a fast pace.

She moaned gripping the tub sides and i smiled before I kissed her cheek and ran my other hand up to her breast.

She moaned and shook underwear when I pinched her already hard nipples. "Oh babygirl are you already sensitive." I teased as i picked up my pace, the sound of the water moving and the way she kept trying to close her legs but she knows ill stop if she does.

"I'm coming....don't stop.....go faster."

Feeling myself getting hard i groaned and twisted her nipple and went harder for her to cum. She gripped the tub sides moaning loudly and clenching her legs around my hand.

My poor hand was struggling, just thinking of my head as replacement makes me wonder if she'll crush my skull. With these thighs....I would let her.

I pulled my fingers out before she slowly turned on my lap, my hard on was now underneath her slippery wet cunt and i was dying to be inside but I'm afraid of fucking when she's pregnant.

"You know it's okay." She said and i raised a brow making her smile. "Your worried about going hard aren't you?" She said and i blushed nodding my head, she kissed my forehead before she slowly began to grind on me.

"It won't affect me or the baby trust me, I had to look into this especially when you kept turning down my seductions attempt." She said and i thought back to the time when she'll try to make me have sex with her but I was too worried about hurting the baby.

She rose a bit and grabbed my member before she lined it up with her member. "Take your time okay." I told her, resting my hands on her waist to guide her down slowly.

She but her lip when the tip slipped inside and I took a deep breath, how can she be this tight or has it been that long.
She was already panting as she went lower, when I was fully in she took some breaths making me laugh a bit.

"Stop laughing it's been a while." She said and I wrapped my arms around her waist as she held onto my shoulder.

"Ready." I said and she nodded her head.

As she raised her hips to go back down, my phone started to ring.

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