27| Pregnant

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Kaz Pov

I glanced at boss who groaned in her seat and moved around a bit. She's been doing this for the past hour now, is something wrong with her or is she just pissed at something.
"You good?" I asked and she sent me a glare.

"Just keep an eye out for Anika, something doesn't feel right." She said and i did as she said, we waited another half hours before Anika arrived and came towards out car.
She got into the back seat and i started the car.

"Took you long enough." Sage said and I pressed the black button that'll turn the ac on.
"Calm down, Harper was throwing a tantrum. Took everything in me to get her to sleep, note to self wear protection and never listen to your parents about having kids." 
It took 3 minutes before Sage broke the silence.

"What?" Anika asked and she Sage groaned before she sighed. "Forgot to wear a condom." Hearing that my eyes widen, focus Kaz this isn't your conversation.
Anika burst out laughing and i smiled, I honestly wanted to laugh but then her phone rang.

"I was about to say talk it out with her but she's calling."
I decided to keep my eyes on the road and drive to the cargo ships. Seeing my Quincy I smiled softly, he was picking something out his teeth as he leaned on the wall with the rest of our gang.

This meeting better go smooth.

Getting out the car I saw that Sage was still in the car on the phone talking. I decided to give the first news to the group, they all gathered around and Quincy winked at me. I rolled my eyes before I cleared my throat to shut them up.

"As you know Anika Sakurako will be working side us, when we go in on our mission tomorrow do not and i repeat do not shoot her men. You will meet with them later today for training, this mission is a very important mission." I said and the car door opened and closed. Anika walked out with a upsetting look on her face.

I'm guessing the phone call didn't go well. "Listen it's simple, if you fuck this up you and your family will die. So don't fuck it up. With go through the plan after training." She said before i pulled out her cigarette and lit it, Anika took one as well.

"We aren't going against Ramirez or Terry or the Maxwell brother we are going against Carmillia. And we all know how she won't hesitate to fuck your wife's before she kills them-"

"Really?" Anika asked and we all nodded our heads hearing the stories.
"Yeah she does, but back the matter at hand. Don't fuck this up alright. This was your speech and motivation if your motivated get your head in the game if you weren't well I don't give a fuck just don't die." Sage said and it was clear she wasn't in the mood.

I wonder what happened on the call.

Alice Pov

I heard the car pull up in the drive way, I ran to the window with the paci in my mouth. I huffed seeing Sage get out the car before i went back into the bed and did my coloring.

"Alice you can't be made at her." Zoey said and my sister nodded, I ignored them both and kept coloring.
"Alice you both were too blinded by lust to even think of putting a condom on."

Spitting the paci out my mouth I send her a glare. The idea of getting pregnant at a time like this is fucking messed up.
"Alice." I heard her voice from the stairs coming up and they stood to let her in. The betrayal. They opened the door of the guest room and she entered thanking them and then telling them to give us some time.

"What is it Sage?" I asked and she sighed sitting on the bed, running a hand through her hair she took some time before she spoke to me. "Alice, I'm sorry for forgetting about putting a condom on but I was just lost in the moment and if the results come out as positive you have the choice if you want to keep it or not, I'll support it."

I have no right to by mad her, I don't mind the baby thing but not at this time.
"Im not upset at you Sage, I'm upset at the fact were literally at war and I'm not even sure if it'll say positive or not."

I said and she looked at me with a sad smile. "Let's go buy some test." She said and i got out of bed to go change, pulling some of her clothes; sweats and a tank top with no bra.

The drive to a store near by was shower she went in, bought four of them and we headed back. Now the thing that pissed us off was the all of them were giving negative.

It was a good sign but that's not possible right.
We tried one each week but they all came out negative and at this point i hated it because I even started to throw up.

Sage was out with Alice for the night, there plan was already in motion and Sage said it wasn't a good thing to leave Anika to deal with most of her fight and still have to worry about me.

She was going to stay with me but i had to send her out to go with Anika. I ground getting put of bed but them I heard children laughing. Kids.

"Hi Alice." Looking back to my door i saw Theodore, he's such a cute boy. I smiled opening my arms for a hug but his sister beat him to me and hugged me first.

I saw Emily at the door and she gave me a sad smile. "I know how you feel....we not about this pregnant part. Anika got me pregnant after her fight." She said trying to help and i smiled as she sat on the bed.

"They'll be fine, im sure of it." She said and i sighed nodding my head as the children found a coloring book I haven't used yet. Sage bought me 6 coloring books for God's sake and they all are thick.

"Before when i found out about her doing all this, I had to distance myself for some time. And now that I've accepted it, I though of us having a family and all but it scared me. Having a child in this type of business is hard. Especially when you know you have alot of people after you, I'm afraid that they'll take me and her child as her weak spot." I said and she nodded her head understanding what I'm saying.

"I'm not even sure if I'm pregnant yet." I said and she raised a brow confused. "What do you mean?"
"The tests keep saying negative." I said and she raised a brow before before felt her hand grope my breast.

"Ah- what the hell!" I said in shock and she smiled shaking her head. "You are pregnant Alice, when's your period?"
She asked and that's when it hit me.

"I mean it didn't came but I just though it had something to do with the -you know sometimes when it comes and then it doesn't come for a month before it comes." I explained and she smiled nodding her head.

"Let's go to the hospital."

"No, Sage told me to call her doctor incase of anything. Her mom has the number." I said suddenly feeling like throwing up again, I just ate the best burger and now it's going get thrown out.

After some while of waiting the doctor came but had to take me to her office to do a proper check up.
Sitting on the bed with my legs swinging back and forth. Emily was talking with the doctor and i was getting impatient when i saw the doctor writing something down on paper.

"So you are pregnant but your diet much consist of these things." Emily said handing me the paper. Ew, fucking carrots.

The doctor spoke with me before we left and Luke dropped us back to the safe house. I sighed dropping into the bed it's 9 now and the girls aren't back yet. I tried texting Sage but only got one tick.

God i hope she's alright.

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