25| Markings

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Alice Pov

This woman brings up the most weirdest topics ever but she's so sweet and younger than me I'm surprised.
"So how was your first?" I tried not to blush before i told her leaving her eyes wide.

"Jesus just there!?" She said a little too loud making the two look at us, i laughed a bit nodding my head.
"It was just the mood you know, so how's the twins?" I asked and she smiled before she drank some of her wine.

"Theodore and Harper are okay, Harper is getting really rebellious so I'm distancing her from Anika for some time, Theodore very quiet but just love the attention from older women." She said and I smiled remembering how I was when I was younger.

"They are so happy that summer is here because they don't want any school, so you thought of having kids-"

"Not yet, we shall not mention that until all of this is over and I have her on a leash from killing people." I said and she laughed before the waiter came with our food.

Glancing over at the two I saw them laughing and blushing. I squinted my eyes at Sage who was telling Anika a joke and i rolled my eyes.

"I think you two should marry." I said making them look at me. Anika laughed at how Sages face immediately changed.
"Don't take it like that-"

"Im gonna take it like that, you've been talking about this woman for so long and your attention on me has been little am i no longer interesting." I said and she sighed before she said something that made my eyes widen.

"Mais vous m 'interéressz à plus d'un titre."
(But you interest me in more ways than one)

I blushed before i began to eat my food. "Don't talk to me." I said and they laughed before they started a conversation with us.
I honestly don't know how this woman can eat the most junk food and still have this body. Sage and Anika ordered the same thing.

After eating we all left and parted ways. I took my heels off and we reached our room, I huffed and i sat on the bed massaging my heel.

When I looked up my vision was covered by a cloth making me jump a bit. "Relax." She said softly and i sighed before she laid me back on the bed.
"What are you doing?" She asked and I got no answer, my kegs were raised and left a silk cloth tie around my ankles making my legs spread apart.

What is this woman doi- no. Nah she can't be for real. "Sage." I asked and she hummed softly timing my hands to something. "What are you doing?" I asked and she didn't answer only before i felt her lips on mine as she kissed me.

I kissed her back making her pull away. "We are gonna have some fun tonight." She says and i blushed when I flet her fingers gaze my lace underwear.
She pecked my lips again before she kissed me, I kissed her back moving my hands to touch her but my hands were restrained.

She chuckled before she slapped my thigh, she kissed down my neck and started to leave hickeys on my neck.
I moaned softly feeling some butterfly in my stomach.

Her hand moved to the hem of my dress and pulled it up above my waist. "Would you like to try some of the things you ticked or circled on contract tonight or just plain vanilla."
I'm not that basic Sage obviously I want something spicy.

I nodded my head before a harsh slap hit my things. "That's not gonna work Alice." Hearing her tone drop I felt a pool in my underwear, like God.
"Yes yes." I said not wanting another slap.

"That was your only slip up do it again and I'll give you something that's not on the contract." I swallowed before she got off the bed. I waited just a few minutes until i heard the sound of two blades sliding on each other.

My heart began to race just a bit i mean like fuck how deep is she going to go. "Shhhh relax doll you'll be fine." She said and. Before she tore my dress.
"What the fuck-"
Another slap on the same thigh, same spot. I think she's hitting tha one spot on propuse.

"Watch you tone and language, pass your place again and I will follow my word." Fuck she sounds so hot im just dying for her to fuck me already. My nipples grew hard before I felt the cold tip run up my thigh.

"What should i write withstand should i write- oh even better where should I write it." She sound so crazy at this point, I let out a shaky breath and i can tell she's smiling right now.

"Maybe here." The blade it my thigh softly, i won't mind it on the thigh.
"Or here." She said dragging up to underneath my breast.
"Oh my, what about down here." Dragging the blade it stopped right above my underwear, im now convinced my girlfriend is mental.

"No." I said and she laughed.
"I don't care i want it there."

The bed moved making me know she's getting in a position before she removed my underwear.
"Does the sound of me cutting your skin make you wet princess." I mean.

"A little but im not gonna admit it." I said and she hummed before i flinched when the blade touch my clit.
Fuck did I sign up for this.

She removed the blade and pressed it on the area she wants to mark. "Be a good girl a scream very loud." What isn't it the other way around

"No no no! Sage wait." She ignored my cry and kissed my skin softly, feeling her thumb rubbed my clit and slip into me it made me feel a little better before she moved the blade a few times.

I cried softly and she kissed me again.
"Shhhh, relax Amour." At a point she let the knife stay in one spot for a white before she moved it again.

When she was finally finished she removed the blade my i gasped with I felt her tongue run across the fresh cuts.

When i heard a camera snap I was confused. Did she just take a picture of her marking me.

(Honestly I don't know why we say butterfly but you ever just imagine getting neck kissed and you have feeling in your stomach/belly? Also I'm trying to add pictures into these things but wattpad keeps deleting them so I'll try something.)

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