29| Misunderstanding

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As I looked down at Alice who was sleeping in my arms peacefully I couldn't help be happy. She has my baby inside her and I swear i will do anything to keep both of them and my family safe.
"We got news that Carmillia is still in Cali." Luke told me making me look away from her and at the rest of them.

I said up and moved her head off of my shoulder and on my lap, I told him to tell our guys to keep a distance but keep us updated and keep and eye on her.

My mind was running at this point, thinking for ways and a plan of what to do when we land. God i just need this to blow away.

Luke suddenly ran to me with Anika on his tail and he had an computer in his hand. She sat with me and he gave me the computer, mom moved Alice out the frame so she wasn't seen and i thanked her.

I don't want them to use her as an advantage to get to me.
"If I'm being honest Sage you caught me off guard with your attack." She started and I rolled my eyes, I'm not in the mood for al of this.

"Cut to the chase what do you want?" I asked and she sat up before her next words shocked all of us.
"My fucking daughter." She said and our eyes widen, her daughter. If this is some game I'm not falling for it.
"Your daughter."
"Yes Corky-"

"How the fuck do we know your not playing?" Anika asked taking the words from my mind.
"I can meet with you and we can discuss everything, i have her papers and even me and Frankie's divorce papers." She said and I was so fucking pissed.

All of this happened because of corky, not that im blaming her. I should've left her at that damn company.
"You started all this-"

"I only did this because when I heard he died, his men also told me she went missing and next thing I heard was that you took her. I thought you kidnapped my daughter thats why I started all this, to get her back." She said looking frustrated before she thanked the maid that placed down a cup of coffee.

Both me and Anika was pissed, we risked so much only for this to me a mistake.
"We will meet at you at ************ in France and it will only be me, Anika, Corky and you no guys, if you fuck up I'm killing you and that's it." I said and she nodded her head thanking me before she hang up.

"Just us-" I cut Anika off before she started.
"We're gonna have some guys scooping the place I have some snipers okay it'll be fine, Corky get in here!"

Alice Pov

I woke up with a slight headache and the urge to throw up but it went down.
"Hey your awake." Emily said putting down her bottle of water to come to me.

"Whats going on?" I asked and she sighed before she updated me on what recently is happening and I was shocked, Corky was Carmilia daughter.

I don't know how this woman looks but can they really trust her with that.
"Are they atleast bringing back up?" I asked worry for them and she shrugged before i sighed only for me to run to the bathroom to puke my guts out.

"Hey, you okay." Feeling the hand on my back I knew I was Sage but before I could reply, another mouthful of vomit came up.
She held my hair put of the way before I sat on the ground for a bit.

I washed out my mouth and my face before she walked me back to the seat.
"You need anything?" She asked and i nodded my head cuddling up into her. "I'm a little hungry." I asked and she nodded her head before she spoke.

"When we land we can order something for you to eat." She said and i smiled as she ran a hand through my hair. I noticed my sister was passed out snoring with her daughter and i smiled.
I'm going to make sure that her husband knows nothing of this or he'll be pissed.

And indeed when we landed we went to Juvisy-sur-Orge. And when we go back i passed out once i hit the sheets.
I woke up the next day with Mavis and Jina smiling at me.

"Sage just left, she said to keep and eye on you." Jina said and I smiled honestly missing them somehow. I sat up and Mavis reached for some water and gave it to me.

"Just don't slip into that little because I'll leave you crying." Mavis said and I rolled my eyes before I drank the water.
"I don't think I'll slip since im pregnant." I said wondering if i will slip but I don't think I will.

"Well then, fresh up and come down for breakfast." They said and once they left my sister came in.
"Awe look at you suffering." She said and I rolled my eyes getting out of bed. She smiled before she walked towards me.

"How are you feeling honestly."
"Like shit, I just wanna bury myself in food and sheets with a toilet near by." I said and she laughed before she looked at my belly.

"Im finally gonna be a aunt, anyways I came to pick your outfit for the day and stress you because your pregnant."

I threw a pillow at her before i disappeared into the bathroom.
As I was showering, I couldn't help but wonder how the meeting is going for the girls.

Sage Pov

"Are you fucking serious."
"What you've never tried it, it's good spnr you think?" She said and i groaned throwing my head in frustration. This woman can't be serious.

"Since you've seen everything let's put thus behind us and you try to be friends or something, I just wanted my daughter back." She said putting down her milkshake.
I threw the file back on the table before i grabbed my keys to go.

I have two babies to get home to. "So no parting gift?" Corky said and huffed before I pulled out my gun and gave it to her.
"I want to see it the next time we meet." I said and she quickly grabbed it like a child and examined it as if it was cold.

To me it was, my first ever gun. I loved how it would a man in an instant making his brain blow in the wind.
Anika stood and stretches with a groan.

"Ha your getting old." I said and she pushed me playfully.
"I'm in my 30s okay but i can still kick your ass, don't try me." She said and I raised my hands in defense as we left, corcky waved me bye and shouted to tell Alice bye.

"When you leaving to Japan?" I asked and she sighed.
"In probably a week, I wanna miss my aunts wedding on propuse just to piss her off." She said and Iaughed shaking my head at her.
We got into the car before we drove back to my grandmother's place.

Opening the door once we got back I ignored everyone and went to find Alice.
I found her and her sister in bed going through pictures on their phone.
"Sorry to end this moment ladies but I need her to myself." I said putting down my keys and phone along with my extra gun.

"Welp, I'll show you more af dinner." Her sister said before she nodded at me and left the room.
I took off my clothes leaving me in my jeans and laid on the bed motioning for her to come closer.

"Corky says bye, we made her do a DNA test as well." I said and she cuddled up next to me as i held her close to me.
"Let's talk baby talk now, where do you want us to live? You want a big house and small house, tell me what you want and ill get it princess." I said making her laugh a little I kissed her forehead making her smile up at me.

"How about we just sleep until it's dinner time." She said crawling on me a little more and I smiled before I wrapped my arms around her and held her until she fell asleep.

I'm gonna my mom, mother, I have no clue but I'm excited yet scared. I'll miss torturing people but for her sake ill try to cool off of it.
Key word try.

I don't know if I can hold back from killing someone for that long.

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