35| I Missed It

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Julius was crawling on the ground dragging his crayons everywhere while Emily was asleep on the couch by the time i got home from a meeting.

"Hey buddy." I said and he looked up at me smiling through his pacifier. I looked at the mess he made before I picked him up.
"You hungry? Or you wanna sleep?" I said stooping down to pick up the crayons  the broken ones before i out them in his small box.

He was obviously sleepy and tired so I took him to his room and stayed with him until he fell asleep. When he was asleep I went to shower and change before i went down and clean up his mess. I went to the kitchen and noticed that certain things were out for making dinner, she must of fell asleep and forgot.

I made dinner before I went to wake her up. "Alice baby wake up." I said shaking her and after some time she did open her eyes.
Her eyed widen seeing me. "Your home, I didn't make dinner. Shit, where's Julius?" She panicked and i smiled before i kissed her forehead.

"Relax, he's already asleep, I already made dinner. Just go up and shower okay." I said and she rubbed her eyes nodding her head. "Your mom called. She said she wants a big get together next week." She said standing and and
I nodded my head before I allowed her to go to our room.

Shamelessly watching as her ass moved in the jeans she had on. I went back up to check on Julius but only to find him up playing with his blanket.
When I walked in fully he acted as if he was sleeping my laying back down.

I swear if he starred to become a sneaky teen when he's older i won't be surprised. "Come on, I already caught you." I said making him roll over and stare at me with his blue eyes. Atleast he came out like me a little. 

Walking over i sat at his crib making him crawl over to me. Im still excited I have a son, he did a weird dance making me smile.
"Baby!" I heard her shout, so I picked up my baby and followed her voice.

Walking downstairs I saw her at the door with two other people in black. They haven't seen me yet she I snuck in the living room. Pulled my gun from behind the television and walked around.

"Holy shit you got a boy." Hearing th3 annoying voice and groaned, fucking Corky.

"Yes, I did."
"Why do you have your gun out?" Carmilia asked and i raised a brow.
"I saw two people in black at the door, I don't work with the government honey." I said making Carmilia wave me off with a smile.

"Well let us in." I internally groaned as we let them in but next thing I new. "Bitch don't close the door." Peeping out i saw Zoey and Luke, oh my god he grew a beard......ew.

"Wow love the glow up." I said to him as the girls hugged and kissed cheeks.
"I'm cutting it tomorrow." He said and i heard the annoyance in his voice. Closing the door we all went to the living room as I rest the baby down Zoey was holding her baby and talking about the curly hair.

I went to the kitchen to share dinner when I felt someone hit my leg. I looked down and saw Julius.
"Did you crawl- no!" I dropped the plate on thr table and got down his height.

"Baby he walked!" Oh my god i want him to do it again, I moved away from him and make him turn to me.
"Come on baby."
I opened my arms for him to come to me when he smiled and started to walk again. Until he was fully in my arms I smiled holding him close.

"Oh my god." Oh now she wants to arrive, I kissed his cheek making him giggle.

"Just imagine he calls you dad one day." Luke said laughing and I glared at him as they started to laugh. "Oh my god, shut up dude my baby just walked." Alice said putting her phone away.

After a bunch of talking and telling them about my mom's get together thingy they left soon after and me and my baby was in bed as Julius played with his toys.
"I'm so happy right now." She said and I nodded my head as he threw his toy at me. Sigh.
When he finally went to sleep I put him to bed, turn on the monitor before I cleaned up his toys and pack them up.

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