10| Please

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Sage Pov

She walked back out from brushing her teeth and looked at me.
I sighed before I mentally cursed my grandmothers for bringing this up.
"So." She said softly and I took some breath before i spoke.

"Alice, I own an organization that is very illegal aka a Mafia and i also own two other company's." I said and I saw something shift in her eyes and I didn't like it. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Mafia as in killing?" She said playing with her fingers and I nodded my head. "I would send my guys out to do it when things go bad but yesterday I had to do it myself since it was a request- Alice you hearing this I don't know what's going on in your mind but all you need to know I want what we have." She looked down before up at me.

"Sage I-"
I stood and she took a step back making my heart pound hard into my chest. "I don't know if I'm okay with that, I mean i want you to be with me but to know you do these things to people and doing basically what Mafia do." She said and I could those words coming from a mile. I sat down just preparing myself for her next words.

"What are you saying Alice?" I said softly and she gripped her hand looking out the window.
"Can i get some time. I wish to go home. Please."
Fuck my chest hurts, why is my chest hurting. I let out a heavy breath before I stood nodding my head.

I left her to pack her things as i made my downstairs. My chest wouldn't stop hurting me, I try to breath slowly but fuck it won't go away.
Reaching th3 last step I almost fell.

"Whoa you good honey." Mavis said and i nodded my head. "Take Alice home." I said and Jina raised a brow at my words.
"Whats wron-"
"Just take her home please no questions." I said taking my coat and moving to the back yard.

I moved the far back of the garden before I took the pack of cigarettes from then coat along with a lighter.
Breathing problems and cigarettes, nice.

Alice Pov

Walking out i say Jina waiting for me by the car. "Where's Sage?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulder with a frustrated sigh.
"She told me to take you home no questions."

Did I upset her, she can't blame me i was scared what if people come after me?
"She looked pretty sad what happened with you two?"

Getting the back seat I shook my head not wanting to talk about it. She took me to the airport and took flight with me home before she dropped me home and headed back.
I didn't expect her to fo so but I accepted it and gave her a thank you with a big hug.

My sisters car wasn't here making me know she left to go somewhere and i sighed.
What is it going to be like when we both have to work.
What should i do? Should i find another job?

Are you crazy no that's like living her out of your life!? I dropped on my bed and saw most of the things that she has bought me for my little.
Why does she has to do this for a living?

I wish she wasn't involved with any of this I mean, she got shot. She could've died! Just thinking of her living like that scares me.
What if one day I don't get to see her again, what if someone attacks her and takes her away from me.

My phone rang and i answered it.
"Hey its Zoey, is everything okay with you and Sage?"

I groaned don't wanting to answer any of these questions. "Not really, is something wrong."

I heard a faint voice in the background of someone telling her to say no.
"Nothings wrong everything is fine. Mavis told me your back home by now, are you safe?"

I said up when i heard a car pull up outside.
"Yeah I'm safe I got to go now okay."
"Yeah, bye."
She hang up and i ran down to go and greet my sister and her daughter.


After dinner both fell asleep on the couch and i took it as a duty to get them in bed. After doing so I went to my bed and prepared myself for the Monday coming.

I don't know how to feel at this point, what if she just walk straight pass me, what if she fires me or what if she already found herself a hot little and forgot about me.
Falling into my bed I groaned feeling my chest tighten at the last one.

I don't want any to happen, I sighed as i tried to get some rest and not think about Sage nut it wasn't working, she's been on my mind twenty four seven.
I huffed getting out of bed and going to get some water to drink. Drinking the water I moved back to my bed and ended up falling asleep, thanking God for the sleep I prayed to wake up and not think about Sage.

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