Trials and A Ticking Clock

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"Dear sister

It has been quite a long while since I have wrote to you. How are you feeling today? Are you cold? Is the road back home covered with snow now that it is getting really cold? Are mom and dad alright?

Do you remember that time when I told you my belief before joining the Royal Esterrian Army? I believed in a world without slaves, without those wretched humans exploiting others without even paying them even a single piece of gold. I thought that the war in Havenklein would be the best way to achieve just that while also bringing back some glory.

4 months from that time, I still believed in that world, so I stayed in the army to continue fighting... but at the same time, I feel the need to get out of here as soon as possible every day. Ever since the stars started falling on Scharna where I was, Havenklein suddenly became a hell for me.

As of writing this, the previous month saw an attack on my convoy, many of my friends did not make it out alive and it makes me want to cry. The fallen souls had their bodies return back where they will be buried, a tragic loss for their family, and it makes me want to curse this bloody war...

At our fortress I am currently residing, it smells of sweat and no one could sleep, as there was a difficult battle the day before. Tomorrow by the time I wrote this, me and other soldiers will attack the rebel-held city again. I do not know what exactly waits for me there, all I know is that it'll feel like the houses are attacking us. Dan is with me in this coming battle, I bet he will survive this and the war.

My time to serve is still long way to go, I won't go home anytime soon, but I will still send you my warmest regards anyways. Oh, and for some reason, I'm not getting any letters recently, did mother and father forgot to send me one? And if they ask what I wrote you, you can tell them anything, even lie, just don't tell them I'm in Havenklein

Sincerely, Hendrik"

Early morning 13/4/1702, somewhere in the coast of Esterria
The flagship of Esterria, Marie van den Ulsens is at sea today, to test new equipment provided by the Federal Republic of Flashia. The captain, Mendejerik stands on the deck of this ship, it's a bit dark around this time and they're at a secluded location, perfect for keeping this a secret from their enemies.

Mendejerik holds up a device provided by Flashia, apparently this is called a rangefinder by their Flash counterpart

Mendejerik holds up a device provided by Flashia, apparently this is called a rangefinder by their Flash counterpart

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The Esterrian captain would get the 'rangefinder' in hand close to his eyes, where he would look through it. He looks at a ship, which was a former Esterrian Navy ship-of-the-line that were decommissioned a long time ago.

The rangefinder  registers '102m', or 204 spheras, as he and others were able to figure it out (that 1 meter is 2 spheras). The normal magic cannon has an effective range of 100 spheras, which would mean at this range, the magic cannon should not be able to deal much damage, but the cannons they're using aren't magic this time, and many have some doubts

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