Never In Vain

365 16 6

Hvadaal, Naeslagtland, 31/8/1702
The FIIA operatives slowly approaches the house on two sides. As they got close, the point man of one of the team would unfold a ladder he brought with him and placed on the the window sill of the 2nd floor.

It gave them a quick access to the floor above as one-by-one would climb up the ladder. The point man would be the first, with his pistol out, he looked around to check on the two corners of the room, before going in and check the rest.

All of it shown up nothing, as the room was pretty much empty, sans the operatives that are entering the room in slowly increasing number. Judging by the things in this room, this seems to be where weaponry were stored here.

It's quite out of place considering from Flashia's knowledge, Naeslagtland does not allow ownership of guns. Even weirder it seems they have a bolt-action rifle here.

"Why did they not boarded up the window?" said one of the operatives "They have quite a serious stuff here"

"They theoretically could" said another "But that would probably means the folks here will suspect something"

"Ah, good point"

At the door beyond the room, voices are heard behind it. They can't make out what they're saying, but it seems they speaking a dialect of Kerllainan*. The FIIA operatives would then bunch up at the doors, getting ready for the breach that was to unfold.

"Essence-1 here, give me a sitrep"

"Essence-2, first floor clear, proceeding to the next floor"

"Essence-3, just going down"


They would wait for the other team to do whatever they're doing over there, that being moving up the stairs. In the midst of waiting, they continued to listen in without understanding what they were saying and the operatives still at the ready.

"Essence-2's ready to go, on your mark"

The leader nods to the point man at the other side of the door, giving a go-ahead to breach. The point man in terms move to face the door head on, rifle aiming at it, before then simultaneously placing the gun at a high-ready position and kick the door open.

Around the same time, Essence-2 would also converge into the room, sandwiching the surprised occupants as they would gun down anyone that reached for a weapon of any kind. They hear the guns firing alright, but owing to the fact it's .300 Blackout coupled with suppressed, noise was minimized.

Out of the 5, only 2 would have survived, as they chose the wise decision to not attempt to fight back in any way.

"Who the hell are you-" said one of them before he got smacked in the face by the buttstock of the black rifle, knocking him out in the process.

"Hey watch it! You almost flagged me there!"


Most of the squad would scan the surrounding before both team leaders declared a "Clear" to the rest, in sync. All that's left now, is to restrain those remained standing alive, as they would put zip ties on their arms behind their back.

"Essence-3, just found some sort of dungeon here, PID on uhh... 12...? Yeah, 12 of ours"

The FIIA operatives would force the 2 survivors on their feet, starting to escort them out of the building.

"You barbarians here for your citizens is that correct?"

They didn't say anything as they continued to walk. After they made it down stairs, they would find 3 more restrained kidnappers, along with 5 dead bodies. The 2 men was scared of this revelation, but they still hold out in their own resolves.

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