Can't Lose Nothing

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South-West Yelovsk, Varikan Empire
Self-propelled carriages with armor surrounding the vehicle roll their wheels on the ground, approaching the city. These troops had been dispatched to here after an unit from the Vassal Army turned against them.

Their objective is straightforward, defeat the defecting Vassal Army forces and crush this revolt in one go. The carriages crept even closer, and the barricades with the Vassal Army in view.

"So what do we do now?" said the carriage driver. That left the commander thinking about how they would engage these defectors.

"Ram the barricades, get us close, they can't possibly penetrate this armor of the carriage!" he ordered, the driver immediately complied and floored it, going right for the barricades. When they got closer, the defectors threw a few bottles with a burning cloth at them.

That left them thinking: 'Why on Gestrae would they throw mere bottles at us?'

The moment that the bottles shatters, is when they realized if they can't get through the armor, might as well burn it. The soldiers that was sitting outside was burned to a crisp, the temperature was as hot as a pot, and the occupants began suffocating in what has essentially became a burning coffin.

The soldiers that witnessed the thing happening before their eyes were horrified. The Reslanis had in possession a new kind of firebomb as they threw more of it at the other carriages. The once revered self-propelled carriages quickly turned into death traps in flames.

Soldiers outside didn't fare better, as they too were set on fire by these bottles. They lost momentum before most of the charge even happen, as in all axis of attack, many of the Tsar Army met the same fate.



The Reslani soldiers moved left and right quickly as they dodged the burning charging carriages that rammed the barricades, setting it on fire. It's no good using the first defensive position now, but at least it did something.

"Men! Get into the houses to tell our comrades to fall back to the 2nd line! Use this as an opportunity to move on while they're blind!"

Some went back to the 2nd line of defense, while the other went into houses, which had already been occupied by some Reslani defenders as muskets were shot at the Varikans out the window. They have eyes on their oppressors, but visibility is getting bad as a result of the fire and smoke that ensued.

It was here where Esterrians had made more of these 'vodkas' with gasoline still being poured into the bottle and then cloth stuffed onto the top of the bottle.

"Hey!" shouted a soldier that caught the Esterrians' attention "We must move on now! Take as much as you can for this battle!" as others took the completed 'vodka' that was on the table.

The Esterrians nodded, topping off the last bottle they were doing, and then start running out where they would make their way to the second line with bottles at hand. Their Reslani counterparts would also follow suit.


In the midst the chaos, no one knows who is who and where is where. The carriages burn and with it comes a large smoke that obscures that vision. Everyone is now focusing on putting out the fire, as charred bodies laid around them, and some shot dead by Reslani bullets.

The scene is beyond horror as anyone could tell. No one was expecting this much of a resistance, no one expected this effectiveness, and nobody knew they were in for arguably the most traumatizing moment for a soldier out there.

The fire keeps burning and the Varikans still are disoriented. Officers tried but struggles to rally their troops to battle. Many had deserted, running away to god knows where in the smoke.

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