New, Chaotic Start

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[This is the rewrite of Prologue with the writing brought up to current standard-ish and the chapter expanded a little bit]

Flashia has been through a lot. The country underwent a civil war to its South-Western regions, resulting in some states declaring independence and the collapse of the First Federal Republic, and a regional war with Hatemea*.

It has gone through many strife's in its recent memories, but nonetheless, it has recovered. With the end of the Reunification War, the states that once seceded from Flashia would later reunite with the federation, mainly due to security and defense issues. Together, they would rebuild from the ravages of war caused by both conflicts.

In retrospective, the future is looking brighter for them, but Flashia will soon have a shock of their life not seen after the Capital-Commune War that caused the fall of the First Federal Republic, in a certain event that should have been impossible.


Barminde, Tilenogtyve, 22/3/2017
The President of Flashia, Simon Thomasen woke up to yet another day in the de-facto capital city of Flashia. It's a cold but still beautiful day, and yet that beauty would be shelved in his mind for later, as he has his responsibilities as the head of state of Flashia.

No time would be wasted in preparing himself for the coming works, getting properly dressed up, a good breakfast, and spending a little bit of time with his loved ones before inevitably departing from the palace.

"Good morning Gade" he said to his guard standing near the front door where Simon had exited from.

"Morning Mr. President" said the aforementioned guard "I see that you're ready for today?"

"Indeed, Gade, it's my duty as Flashia's head after all"

"Touché Prez"

The Flash president would then start walking to the front gate where his commute awaits him. Just as he's on his way to his car however, he overheard a pair of guards' conversation

"When I'm just driving here and then, I couldn't hear anything on the radio but static! Even turning the knob wouldn't work."

"Same here, when I turned on the TV this morning, the next thing I knew is that none of the channel seems to be up and running"

While the president just continued his way, he can't help but get concerned about this. Whether it's just a coincidence that both malfunction or the satellites' down, he does not know for sure. Maybe he will get the answer once gets to his office.

Upon reaching his transport, the guard standing at the car would open door for him, the president then settling himself down on the backseat before the door would be closed.

"The usual place Mr. President?" said the driver who had been waiting.

"Aye, let's get a move on already"

"Roger that" then the driver reached to the radio "Sector-1, we are good to go"

The accelerator pedal would be pressed on by the foot of the driver, the car's wheels starts to roll along the road. The vehicle would not be alone as more would join it as a small convoy would form.


45 minutes later...

As Simon walk down the hallway to his office, a figure walked up to him, it was the Internal Minister Lars Ibsen.

"Mr. President, you might want to see this"

"Ibsen? I thought you were supposed to be in Freserrik**?"

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