And To Push Forward (Flaska)

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"Good morning Kawagrzmotia, this is the Silver Eagle 142.6 Radio Station, my name is Damian Głowacki, coming at you to bring some news. To begin our broadcast, we first talk about the situation of Gevaka, part of the island state of Agevær. As you known for the past few months, the sovereignty of Agevær and Flashia in general had their sovereignty violated by hostile early 18th century armies as they have invaded the island.

As we have hoped before, the Forsvaret struck back at the slavers of the 18th century, as during the very early morning, the Luftforsvar along with the Marine conducted strikes on military infrastructure before the Mariner and the paratroopers dropped in. As of now, we have completely cut off the rest of the enemy forces' mean of getting out of the island.

According to the MoD, along with all the magic, they found slaves who were clearly given cruel treatment, resembling more of barbarians, which is what they call us according to our Commonwealth friend. These treatment include forced labor, physical abuse, and rape. The Federal Government had also stated that these liberated slaves will be taken in as refugees, while also announcing plans of accepting former slaves that qualify as citizens.

Speaking of Esterria, we now move onto Havenklein. Now this happened around the same time as our assault on the Kingdoms Union-occupied Gevaka, but with the support of the Luftforsvar, they launched an offensive that pushed the rebel forces back by a large margin. The Commonwealth Minister, Gessel Balt has said that they have essentially reversed the rebel's territory gain of one month in few hours.

He would also go on to state that Flash equipment donated to the country proved very effective against what the rebels had to offer, destroying many while losing few. The Royal Armed Forces of Esterria intends to continue its advance until the surrender of the rebels is declared" - The Silver Eagle

Lernoa Ocean, near the island of Gevaka, 15/7/1702
A massive fleet of the Kingdoms Union Gestrae's state members with the exception of the Kingdom of Naeslagtland, who still refuses to join in the Battle of Gevaka. For some reason, the Esterrian Royal Navy did not interfere with their journey, which gave them easy access to the Esterrian waters to the East.

Were they confused by this act? Yes, they were, KUG expected Esterria to fight back in one way or another, and yet it seems that their navy is ordered to stand down. They were delighted by this, as it means the fleet can get to the island where they needed earlier.

From the looks of it, an unknown army attacked the Northern Expeditionary, known as the 7-nation-army, and managed to completely surround them on all sides of the island. This gigantic super fleet consisting hundreds of ships was created for this purpose, to break the encirclement and relieve the troops there.

Captain Svetislav is on board his ship-of-the-line today, as Gošbania sends its ships to contribute to the cause. Because it's the flagship of the Gošbanian Navy, it was given a privilege of leading the entire fleet, along with other ships such as those of Saogaulia and La Ferdina.

"How many ships does the barbarian navy has?" asked Svetislav to one of his sailors.

"Sir, if our intel is not wrong, then it would be more than three hundred!"

At this point, 3 days after the disastrous defense of the island's coastline, they have now learned this unknown army is none other than that of Flashia. It's a very shocking news at that since the supposedly primitive army was able to decimate KUGNE forces in hours. Nevertheless, the KUG pushed on, they only have hundreds of ships and it's unlikely that most of those would be at the occupied island.

As they got close to the island in battle formation, they see 5 grey structures in front of them, quite strange to our Goshbanian (or Gošbanian, they pronounced the same anyways) captain here. He takes out his monocular to take a look at what they're looking at. Turns out, they were sail-less ships coming towards them, which shocked Svetislav.

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