रक्षक~ The saviour

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"Some protect with swords and some protect with heart

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"Some protect with swords and some protect with heart."

After visiting almost the whole city, markets and other politically and economically important areas, the day almost came to an end. And we decided to head back to the fort.

Seating so close to Pratap was already very uncomfortable and this time weird too cause my heart was beating a bit to fast, and soldiers trying to avoid look our way was adding fuel to my embarrassment.

But still I was feeling like were are being watched. The sunlight was slowly decreasing and we were a bit late to reach the fort already.


I abruptly moved my head to see in that direction. But couldn't see anyone. I raised my head to see Pratap and he was looking down at me. We were so close.


"Keep looking forward." He said. I turned while gulping on his seriousness.

" Is something wrong?" I asked him.

" We are going to get attacked." He asked.

My eyes shot wide open and snapped my head towards him.

" Then why are you not doing anything." I asked.

" Because we are not attacked yet." He said.

" Are we waiting to get attacked? You are lost your mind or what?"  I asked him.

" I said look forward." He said plainly 

My heart was beating so fast that  I was afraid it would break one rib or two.

I have never been in this situations before.

I was so scared.

And being with Pratap doesn't help the situation in anyway.

If anything happens he would leave me.


You are Nayantara.


Yuvrani Chandravali.

The Destined Empress of the Future!

You won't die.

You will fight. If not him.

You will fight because you want answers from Yuvraj.

You are die without seeing him.


I repeatedly said my self I can do this.

" Relax.." He whispered in my ear. I flinched. " You won't die today."

" I know I won't." I said with determination.

" And you won't have to pick the weapon up to." He said. " All these people behind us are ready to die to protect you."

I looked behind.

It helped?


Terribly. I was breathing evenly now.

" You won't die without meeting your husband." He said.

I snapped towards him.

" You think very loud."


" No it is not." He said.

" You are read minds." I said, looking in front.

" I sure can't read minds, but can definitely read yours." He said.

I can feel him smiling.


" Not cursing me. I will you here only." He said.

I looked at him terrified.

Can he really?

" Yes!" He said. I audibly gasp.

In a swift moment his hand was un front of my chest, holding an arrow which was aimed at me.

The blood slowly started dripping from his hand. On my skirt.

I was feeling dizzy already.

This was bad!

This was bad!

And before I could get over with my recent encounter with blood Pratap was not behind me. And the ground was covered with blood and black clothed men.

When Pita shree said stabbing a dummy and stabbing a living man are two different things. This was what he meant.

He hopped again on the horse like nothing happened. My heart was not in my control. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous.

" All good?" He asked me.

" Huh.." I came out of my zone. "I guess..."

" We are a bit far from fort. It would have two hours to reach there." He said.

" Umm why? We reached the city in the morning in just two hours and we already have been traveling for somewhat two hours." I questioned. I was really tried. I wanted to sleep so bad.

" We had to take the longer root to see what was coming our way." He said.

I took a deep breath and close my eyes from a brief moment. The horse started moving, making glop sound. The sun was no where in the sky. Slow, cool wind were luring to me close my eyes and sleep.

I didn't remember when sleep engulfed me.

When I next walk up. We were still on horse. The night had turned darked. I felt myself leaning against a wall, not a wall.


I looked down to see his hand wrapped around my stomach, securely. I slapped his hand away.

" Oh you are awake." He remarked, chuckling.

" Why is your hand here?" I whispered yelled.

" Because you slept on a moving horse." He reasoned.

" I remember say you not. To. Touch. Me." I greeted my teeth.

" trust me if you would have felt down of the horse-"

" Shut up." I said and he chuckled.

" No but really, I have never seen someone sleeping on a moving horse. How do you do that?" He mocked me.

I choose not to speak. I moved a bit away from him as I was still leaning on him. He hissed and a warm liquid slipped down my hand.

I raised my hand to see blood.

I moved my upper body to face him. His chest had a deep uncovered wound which was bleeding, heavily.

His eyes followed my gaze. " I am fine-"

I instantly brought my hand to cover his wound, to minimize the flow of blood.

" No you are not. You are bleeding."


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