जुगनू:- Fireflies

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the small, simple things in life that matter the most

Nayantara's POV

I didn't got time to digest what he just said and the horse stopped.

He hopped down. He was silent and I can tell he was a bit angry too.

But shouldn't be I the one who should be angry and here the roles are reversed.

I also jumped down, he instantly grabbed my waist to balance me. I looked in his eyes.

They screamed sincerity.

Was I forgiving him already?

Forget about forgiving, I was melting right in front of him.

He moved back and I was missing his warmth already.

Seriously Nayantara!

He turned and started walking. I got my clue to follow him. It was night and dark. This made me held his arm lightly.

A loud sound came from surrounding and I was holding him tighter now.

His hand came around my waist as if it belong there, naturally. The senses of safety and assurance increase in my heart. I was less tensed in the darkness now.

" Close your eyes." He said.

" Are you planning to leave me alone here?" I gasped.

" Yes I am." He said, plainly.

" WHAT!" I almost shouted. My voice resonated in the woods.

" Shhh.... you will scare the wild animals." He said.

I gasped dramatically.

" You mean wild animals will scare me." I said.

" I said what I mean. Now eyes close." He said.

" How will I walk it's so dark?" I said.

" When you eyes are close how does it matter of its dark or not?" He asked, not really annoyed.

I hate when he is always correct. Not always but ninety nine times out of hundred.

I closed my eyes. If it was day my embarrassed face would have gathered much unwanted attention.

We walk for two minutes then he asked me to open my eyes.

We walk for two minutes then he asked me to open my eyes

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It was the most beautiful site of my life.

Suddenly some golden lights started fly up in the sky from bushes

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Suddenly some golden lights started fly up in the sky from bushes.

" Oh my godddd.... this is.." I gaped.

The man behind me was who looking at me admiring the beauty, wrapped his arms my belly and took my hand in one, opening it up.

A firefly sat on my hand and I stopped breathing. I didn't wanted to scare it away.

I was so still. Slowly turning to my head back, my lips stopped an inch apart from his. He was staring me intently as if reading my souls secrets.

I felt like even my heartbeat stopped. I care less about the light in my hand more about its reflection in his eyes.

It looked divine. His sparkling golden eyes never left mine.

The air around us got thick with unknown emotions flow with fireflies.

His lips came close and close and close until they rested on mine. I blinked twice to see if I am imagining stuff.

My world stopped. I couldn't remember were we were, how did this place looked like all I recall is he was my husband.

He made me turn slowly, his grip around my waist tightened, enough to leave marks. Another hand cupped my face, angle it to his desired position.

I was new to this situation. My eyes closes with a weakness in my knees. My hands didn't know where to go, they just clenched on my lehnaga trying to overpower the butterflies in my stomach, but failed trembling.

I was feeling weirdly calm. Like near before. This wasn't the first time he touched me but this different.

Unlike last time when he kissed me drunk, he wasn't showing his right and power over me but love and care in this kiss.

The way he was nibbling my lips, softly. This feeling was beyond literature nothing could fit to express it's feel. I wanted it to last till eternity but to my dismay to came to an end.

My eyes remain closed for a few seconds, feeling lightly but eventually opened to see him standing in front of me. Even he was a bit flustered.

" I am sorry and I don't know how show you that I really am." He said as he connected our forehead. His eyes were close now. I drank his godly features, forgetting completely that he was apologizing . No exchange of words happened after that.

We sat near the river. I rested my head on his shoulder and when he realized I was sleepy he said " Let's go back."

I nodded.

He helped me on the horse and than hopped himself. The horse started walking.

I leaned on him without hesitation this time, as if it was my birth right which was I practicing from years.

" I want a horse for myself." I said before dozing off not before hearing a beautiful chuckle.


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Also please guys pray for me. I am applying for college admission. Please wish I get the best of the best college for myself which supports my dreams and ambition.

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