मल युद्ध :- Mal Yudh

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' Respect woman before God.'

Virat Pratap's POV

Last night was disastrous. I didn't know why I did what I did. It just happened.

I need to talk to her now. I have to explain. When she lost her consciousness in my arms I left like my heart stopped beating.

I walked towards her chamber. Anxiety took over me.

I knew the purpose wasn't yet fulfilled but I can't keep her in dark anymore. Not when this has happened.

There are other ways to get the work done.

I entered her chamber, seeing her burning herself. All the emotions left my mind just anger.

Has she lost it?

I lifted the pattka and flashed the water on her. The fire extinguished of her clothes but not of her eyes.

" Out now." She said. She wasn't in her senses.

" Listen. will you?" I tried.

" Get out now." She raised the voice.

" No. You are not in your senses." 

" I am. Now I am. I was not before. If you didn't leave now I will tell Maharaj everything. And I no more give a damn what will happen then." She said. It felt like she want to burn me in her fire.

" Go tell everyone. What will you tell them?" I was irritated from this act now. I started this to keep her and everyone safe but now this all is making her do things like this than this need to stop.

I am done hearing ' don't touch me ', ' you are not my husband.' And shit.

" I will tell them that you are not real Yuvraj." She said.

" And who will believe you. What prove to you have?"

" I... I saw you in the market. Yiu were here." She said. Realization started it hit her. She have no proof other than what I said.

" That proves nothing princess."

" Did Yuvraj really send you? Swear on the name of this soil, your motherland. Did Yuvraj really send you" she asked. She was panicking.

" No." 

She started crying.


" Listen to me" I moved toward her, but she passed me. "Where are you going now?" I asked me, pulling her back and she slapped me.

I zoned for a moment but the I pinned her up as she tried to leave.

" I swear I will burn myself not before burning you to ashes. Leave me now. GUAR-" she shouted but I covered her mouth.

" Oh god why can't you just listen to me once once?"

She bite my palm.

This wild cat!

" Apologies your highness, But Maharaj has asked your and Yuvrani presence in the Royal court room urgently." An attendee said.

" We are coming." I said and she left.

"Nayantara you will keep your mouth shut just for today. Hear me once then you are do whatever you want to. But you have to hear me out first. Now change your clothes, they are burnt and wet."

I left directly to court to see Abhiraj. Jaiveer son's. Behind all the revolt and attacks on royal family, my family with the help of his father of course.

My hand was itching to kill him already. Only if it wasn't the royal court.

Soon Nayantara joined me.

" Start." Pitaji ordered.

" Greetings dear Uncle, My father Jaiveer ji raj never leaves a days without your mention." Abhiraj said.

" What is your purpose to visit?" Maharaj asked.

" Oh.. well I have a very important purpose which is 'my rights'. Whatever happened in past was my father's deed why should I be punished for it? I have the same blood of Maharaj Amarjeet Singh in me as my little brother Virat so why should I be deprived of mine rights?" He said.

" Which right you are talking about?" Maharaj asked.

" My right to the throne being the eldest grandson of Maharaj Amarjeet Singh and of course my right on Rajkumari Nayantara because she was promised to the future king of Magadh which is certain not the man she is sitting next to. I don't see any reason to be not considered for the throne, dear Uncle. Because apparently I am the heir successor of the throne." Abhiraj said.

" I am not aware of reasons of why not to consider you before this but now I do have a very good reason. Maharaj a man who see other married woman that to of his own brother, is not eligible for the throne and the history speaks itself loud on this matter." Kaka Devidaas ji said.

It took everything inside me to not scramble his neck.

" If you would have dared to say this anywhere else then the royal court of Maharaj Deeghvijaya ji Raj, I would have shown you the consequences of looking towards my wife let alone be taking her name. But you have the moment now apologize and beg for mercy. You might be easy upon." I said. Every sign vein of my body was on fire.

" Oh little brother speak when you are done playing with your wife... " he said.

" Do not bring my wife in between your baseless arguments." I roared.

" Abhiraj, this is the last warning to you. If you will disrespect any royal anymore you will be behind bars." Kakaji said.

" That's all you people can do. Give exile, throw behind the bars. Water flows in your veins not blood. If anyone one of you thinks he can stand a minute in front of me only then speak." Abhiraj said.

" You have called your death Abhiraj." I said. " Choice your best skill. Let's see who have how much blood in their veins."

" Oh Uncle, ask your beloved wife to show her motherly love to this son of her. After this she might not get a chance to." He said.


Everyone gathered in the open mal yudh field.

Abhiraj and I, with bare chest looking at each other. Something inside him screamed confidence and everything inside me wanted to wipe it.

No one. No one looks at my wife. He dare say things he shouldn't have dreamed in the first place.

On the drum beat the fight began. He wasn't weak. He was a good boy to play with.

His strength was appreciable. Jaiveer have worked on his son.

" When I will take your wife. I will make you my doorkeeper. So that you can hear her screaming my name." He said.

Wrong move.

I punched his face and he fell on the mud ground. A few teeth and blood oozed out of his mouth.

With efforts he stood up again and attacked. I punched his left rib. If anyone missed the sound of bone breaking they wouldn't have missed his scream of pain.

His held is chest. " You Bastard." He shouted and ran towards me again.

I held his arms and lifted him in air before throwing him on the ground. I bet his few more bone disjointed.

" Virat." Pitaji ordered to stop now. He face looked satisfied. My gaze then might my wife. She was confused.

I don't blame her. Its time to talk!

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