chapter : 02

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The concept of family is a complex one, encompassing both blessings and curses

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The concept of family is a complex one, encompassing both blessings and curses. It is a beautiful word, evoking feelings of warmth, togetherness, and acceptance. It brings with it the promise of rainbows after a storm, a burst of color that brightens our lives and makes everything seem possible. In those fortunate enough to experience it, family brings a sense of joy and belonging that is unparalleled.

But for others, the word "family" holds a different meaning entirely. It is a source of pain and rejection, a reminder of how they do not fit in or belong. These individuals live in a darker world, one filled with hurt and heartache that leaves scars that may never fully heal. Despite their best efforts, the love and acceptance that others take for granted are forever out of reach.

Family is a double-edged sword, a promise that can be kept or broken based on circumstances.

In the case of Evelyn, it's the latter one. As if it's the curse of fate, with a bitter luck full of misfortunes, she was born into a middle-class family. A family in which the value of a boy was much higher than the value of a girl. Her parents neglected her all her life. She tried her best to earn her parents' love, but all in vain. Growing up, all she saw was her parent's love only for her brothers. They never love her back. Mistreated and neglected, she was slowly becoming shallow with loneliness, and her heart darkened as time went on.

Whenever her brothers came home with their academic results or another achievement, they would shower them with praise, but never to her. They did not consider it; the same happened when she graduated from college. It's like even though they are one family, she lives in another world from them. She never felt the belonging in there that the people talk so about. Lair, they are all the same. If she tried to defy them, they would beat her. In her body, many bruised marks can be seen. Tried of all this, wanting to live, she left the house.

As time went by, Evelyn was able managed to secure a stable job at a fashion company, which brought her a decent salary and a small but comfortable apartment to live in. She finally felt like her life was heading in the right direction and started enjoying the simple pleasures of life. However, fate had something else in store for her, as her parents started bothering her again. They knew that she was making good money now, and they started demanding more and more from her.

At first, she thought that maybe this time things would be different, and they would appreciate her hard work. So, she gave in to their demands, but as the days went by, their requests became more and more unreasonable. It became increasingly difficult for her to balance her own life and keep up with her parents' demands. She felt like she was losing control of her life and that her efforts were not being appreciated. Eventually, she had to stop fulfilling her parents' demands and focus on her own needs, even though it meant disappointing her parents. Despite all her sacrifices, her parents failed to appreciate her, leaving her feeling unfulfilled and frustrated.

It was a peaceful day when an unexpected visitor broke into her house and demanded that she hand over all her money. She was caught off guard and couldn't comprehend what was happening. Confused and scared, she asked the stranger what was going on. The stranger explained that her parents had borrowed a large sum of money from them and had run away with it. They had left behind her address and contact number in case they couldn't pay the debts. She was shocked and devastated. She couldn't believe that her own parents could do such a thing to her. They may have never loved her, but they had never gone this far.

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