Chapter : 45

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At the border side :

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At the border side :

The soldiers, their armor heavy with the weight of impending battle, pressed on through the rugged terrain in pursuit of the elusive kraken. The villages had suffered greatly, their existence overshadowed by the destructive force of the monstrous sea creature. The captain, a resilient leader, bore the scars of a fierce encounter, his wounds a testament to their struggle.
After three arduous days of tracking, they reached the mountain, its imposing silhouette framing the scene of their final confrontation. The mountain encircled a dark reservoir, its waters reflecting the ominous sky above. Following the grim traces of sour blood, the soldiers discovered a pair of matching prints leading into the thick forest.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, the air grew heavy with anticipation. The soldiers, their senses heightened, stumbled upon a surreal sight—a colossal kraken lay lifeless on the forest floor, its tentacles sprawled in defeat. The ground around it was stained with its own ichor, forming grotesque patterns in the dirt.
The soldiers stood in awe, disbelief etched across their faces. The once formidable foe, now reduced to a motionless mass, seemed inconceivable. The kraken's lifeless eyes stared blankly into the heavens, a mysterious hole between them revealing the source of its demise. The forest echoed with the soldier's hushed murmurs as they grappled with the surreal reality before them. The journey to defeat the kraken had reached an unexpected conclusion in the heart of the silent, blood-stained forest.
"Send the coordinates to the camp," a soldier yelled commanding the other one.

At the village campsite :

The young duke, adorned in regal attire, surveyed the desolation that sprawled behind him—a once-thriving village now reduced to ruins by the relentless fury of the kraken. The air was thick with the acrid scent of charred wood and remnants of shattered homes. As he prepared to depart for the duchy, a mixture of determination and sorrow played across his features. His gaze lingered on the remnants of the villagers' lives, his fists clenched in frustration.

In the midst of the snow-covered paths, the carriage surged forward, propelled by the galloping horse. Ivan's mind, however, was a labyrinth of contemplation. Memories of a time when he lay unconscious from severe wounds haunted him. Amidst the fog of his thoughts, a phantom echo of Arya's voice lingered—a voice that had called him by the familiar, yet annoying, silly name she always used. The soldier's confirmation of her absence clashed with the persistent beat of denial in Ivan's heart. Was it a mere wish, a yearning for her presence, or an unspoken desire to hear her voice? The answer eluded him as he became ensnared in the intricate web of thoughts, lost in the enigma of his emotions.

At the Dukedom :

"Madam, this has to be completed before sunset. And this requires your signature for Baron Quill.  Also over here, please review everything before signing, and..." Stefan continued his barrage of tasks, oblivious to Arya's exhaustion. After days confined in her office, barely sleeping or eating, her pupils trembled at the overwhelming workload. Frustration tightened her fist around the pen, inadvertently breaking it. With a lifeless gaze, she stared at Stefan and dryly uttered, "Alfred left you here to torment me, didn't he?"

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