Chapter : 84

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The next day :

The east wall :

"Take the elderly in the wagon," David instructed as the Knights evacuated the citizens on the east side of the city. "Women and children this way," he continued. "Ask the men to move the animals and get to safety. Be quick and evacuate the area, hurry!" The noise of the crowd was so overwhelming that he had to shout his commands.

Ivan, along with the other Knights, stood atop the city wall. Worry clouded his mind, his furrowed brow evidence of his anxiety. It had been quiet for a while until the news of terror came. The sorceress—would they be able to deal with her? Thinking of the last encounter, Arya's image came to his mind. Will she come? His longing for her was attached to his hope for more than just help. Glancing at Natasha, he wished Arya was standing there instead. Shaking his head to dispel these feelings, he reminded himself that now was not the time. With Natasha here, they would be able to defeat the monster herd.
"All the citizens have been evacuated. Sir David is in front of the east gate," a knight conveyed the message.

The ground started to shake, signaling the approaching monsters, and the trees began to fall as the monsters paved their paths toward the city wall. "Everyone, take your stand. Prepare for battle. Archers, aim," Ivan commanded. At his words, all the soldiers took their positions. As the monsters came within range, Ivan signaled to release the arrows. The monsters fell as the arrows struck them. The arrows made from mana stones and enchanted with Natasha's light magic, made it possible for them to defeat the monster. With just these arrows, they defeated the first wave of the attack.

However, this was just the beginning; they knew this well. The previous battle had taught them a lesson they would never forget. Until they truly eliminated the enemy, relief wouldn't come. Just like last time, the fallen monsters' corpses disappeared and returned to the sorceress.

"Knights, draw your swords. Enemies at 3 o'clock," David commanded. The soldiers began defending the right flank. Natasha started chanting her spells, and thunderbolts struck the enemies like rain during the monsoon. However, her spell was still not complete, leaving half of the monster unscratched. The Knights engaged in combat with the remaining monsters.

Ivan soon joined the battle, but what puzzled him was the absence of the sorceress. However, the disappearing monster corpses were proof that she was nearby. Everyone fought with their lives on the line when the bell of the west wall rang. The ringing bell spread anxiety among the soldiers—the west wall was under attack.

Ivan realized where the sorceress was, but he couldn't leave the fight and head to the west. His forces were already engaged in battle, and everyone was exhausted. Going to the west wall now was impossible. Helplessness weighed on him like a heavy mountain. His people were under attack, yet he was unable to choose how to protect them.

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