Chapter : 17

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As the three of us stood there, engrossed in conversation, we suddenly noticed the graceful presence of other ladies approaching us from a distance

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As the three of us stood there, engrossed in conversation, we suddenly noticed the graceful presence of other ladies approaching us from a distance. With each step they took, their figures became more distinct, and soon they were standing beside us, ready to join in the conversation.

I was greeted by a well-dressed middle-aged lady who introduced herself as Lady Alice Mura. She seemed to exude a sense of confidence and sophistication as she extended her hand towards me and said, "Greetings, Duchess. I am Lady Alice Mura. It's an honor to make your acquaintance." I reciprocated her gesture with a polite smile and replied, "Thank you, Madam Mura. The pleasure is mine."

As I stood there, ladies began to approach me one after the other. I couldn't help but notice the respect and admiration they had for me. Despite the fact that the empress was the most powerful woman in the empire, the duchess held the second most powerful position according to imperial regulations. However, it was clear that the Dragun, who was not bound by these laws, held even greater power.

To my surprise, I didn't need to seek out the ladies myself. They came to me, eager to talk and exchange pleasantries. It didn't matter whether they were young, old or somewhere in between, as they all had something to say. Some were interested in discussing his grace, our marriage and love life, while others wanted to comment on my appearance and attire.

I was exhausted from all that chet-chat. 'Ahhh... I need to get out of here'.Through my eye corner, I saw Ivan. There's my escape... I gesture to him for help, but he ignores me on purpose.

'What the fuck!'

As the evening drew close, the guard announced the arrival of the royal family. "Here comes his majesty the emperor and her majesty the queen," he proclaimed with a loud and confident voice. As they walked into the ballroom, it was hard to miss the regal aura surrounding them. Despite being in their forties, they looked youthful, elegant, and full of energy.

Following them were their children, Prince Zeren De Aquila Villiers and Princess Roseanne Aquila Villiers. Both siblings looked stunning, dressed in their finest clothes and adorned with priceless jewels. Walking hand in hand, they slowly made their way into the ballroom, their faces beaming with joy and excitement.

As they entered, the guard announced their presence once again. "His Highness, the Crown Prince Zeren De Aquila Villiers," he said, and then added, "and Her Highness, Princess Roseanne Aquila Villiers." Everyone in the ballroom bowed down to show their respect to the royal family, except for us.

Long before the empire came into existence, the Dragun family had already established a firm foothold in the North. Known for their immense power and influence, the Dragun clan was even more formidable than the royal family. However, they maintained a peaceful coexistence with the royals to avoid any potential conflict.

As I stood there, holding onto Ivan's arm, I couldn't help but notice that the crown prince and princess were watching us closely. The princess's gaze lingered on our intertwined arms, causing her to tighten her grip on her own. Despite this, she maintained a polite and diplomatic smile on her face, as was befitting of her position.

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