Chapter : 23

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Time kept flowing by as if someone had fast-forwarded it. The late days of autumn were cut short like some divine hurry to reach winter. The tree branches are almost leafless, the clod wind howling about the arrival of winter. Autumn was waving farewell while winter approached slowly. Our departure time came close with each passing day, and now it's time to leave.

Many things took place during my stay here. I achieved the base of my plan here and met with wonderful people. My days here were short, but I had a fantastic time roaming around, filled with lovely memories.

Our luggage was put into the wagon, ready to depart for North. I am going to miss these people.

I have never been loved, but the duke and the duchess are the people who showed me what parental love means. I hugged them tightly so that their warmth would last a bit longer within me. "Take good care of yourself, alright? The North is a harsh place, especially in the cold. Wear warm clothes always, don't get a cold. Never go out without an escort, okay?" The duchess said while tears dropped. Consoling his wife, the duke patted her shoulder," If that brat misbehaves, let me know. I'll beat him to a pulp, alright, dear?" Saying that, he burst into laughing.

'he sure is the duke to be able to say that,' a giggling sound left my lips.

The servants were kind to me, unlike a house I know; this was where I loved the most. My days were peaceful while I was here.

I saw Ivan, all suited up for the journey ahead. Leaning backward, waiting near the carriage, it was time to go.

"I see you are bringing two cats along," looking inside the carriage, he indicates.

"THEY ARE COMING ALONG; I hope you do not mind," looking into his eyes, giving him- I won't take a no-for-answer look.

"Now, now, let's not fight. I came with peace, lady," he said, making a surrender posture; he gave me his right hand.

So, our journey began, the carriage shaking and the wheels clicking as it moved on the road. Since the north is the coldest, I asked the butler to prepare warm clothes from Misham.

He looks much better than before; his cheeks are now plump, and he has put some fat on his body. He looks cute in those bear-ear winter blue clothes. 'Gosh...he seems more fluffy in those.'

As for me, I wore a green velvet long hooded cape. And Noir is sitting on a cushion.

A journey that I thought would take long did not last to my expectations. From the Duke mansion, we came to a bit above the plains. It is a village near the hill point. It took two day to reach this village named caro city. Highly guarded security, covered by the tall walls serounding this place. Machanism artifact loaded the whole place, most people look like they were technician working on some of the round shape thing, some maintaining the crowds. I came to knew that, this round thing is called a Portal.  Here, many portals that are connected to each other from different places.

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