Chapter : 69

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Natasha was incredibly nervous

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Natasha was incredibly nervous. Though Arya seemed to hold no grudges against her, the sudden invitation to a tea session was unexpected and shocking. As the maids dressed her, she couldn't shake off her apprehension. Since Natasha hadn't yet made her debut in the social world, Arya decided on a small tea session just for the two of them. Walking to the garden, Natasha's gaze fell upon Arya. Adorned in a rich fern-colored dress, Arya sat with perfect poise, emitting an aura of elegant grace. Her beauty was unparalleled. Despite Natasha's own pride in her appearance, she couldn't help but feel inadequate compared to Arya.

"Greetings to the Duchess," Natasha greeted properly. "Oh, you've arrived. Please, take a seat," Arya spoke kindly. 'Hmm, it's only been about a week since her summons, yet she's already learned proper greetings. As expected of the female lead.'

"I see you've improved your greeting etiquette; that's remarkable. It often takes others weeks to learn, but you've managed it in such a short span of time. You're quite talented," Arya complimented, making Natasha blush. "Thank you, but I still have much to learn."

"As I thought, the dress suits you; it's peachy pink color complements your beauty. You look beautiful," Arya continued to shower her with compliments. Natasha felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment from all the praise.

Natasha whispered, "The duchess looks radiant," but Arya didn't catch her words. Ignoring the misunderstanding, Arya smiled warmly at her. "I heard you're from a foreign land. Life must be different there. You seem distinct from the people of the empire. I hope you adjust well, now that you'll be living here. What's it like?"

Natasha looked taken aback from Arya's question. Arya, correcting herself, asked again, "I mean, what's life like back in your homeland? Do you miss it?" With sadness in her eyes and longing in her voice, Natasha replied, "It's completely different from here. People there are driven by ambition, more advanced than here. It's like two different worlds. We have everything at our fingertips, yet we lack time for our own families. Well I don't know about others but my parents, they both worked, and being their only child, I hardly saw them. My nanny raised me. I miss her, I miss my parents. I miss them dearly."

"Do you wish to return?" Arya asked Natasha, who lifted her eyes in surprise. "I can help if you want," Arya offered. Natasha shook her head, replying, "It's far away, beyond anyone's reach." Arya's calm eyes fixed on her as she continued, "You're an otherworlder, aren't you? You were summoned here." Natasha was shocked that Arya knew and looked at her in disbelief. "I'll ask again, do you wish to return?" Tears slid from her eyes as she trembled, replying softly, "Yes."

Arya took out a tainted fragment from her pouch and placed it on the table. Snapping her fingers, she erected a barrier around them. Confused, Natasha asked, "What's this?" "You can see it, haa! So it's true, you are a witch," Arya remarked. "Witches are beings born with pure magic. Ordinary people cannot see or feel our magic. If you truly wish to return, keep this secret from others, especially from my husband. If word got out about this, you will be killed. People detest us, their grudges against us are deadly. I hope you understand. Moreover, don't use your magic unnecessarily. If they find out about your magic, you won't be able to return to your world." Natasha denied, saying, "But I don't have much magic, let alone using it."

Pointing at the fragment, Arya says, "Grab that." Natasha complies, "Now, try to feel your surroundings. What do you see?"
"It's all bright, but there's a drop of black in there", she replied.

"Hmm, now try to erase that black drop. Remember, don't pressure it. Go slow, feel it, then let it come to you."
After minutes, light emits from her grasp, and the tainted piece was once again in its previous state.

"This?" Shocked, Natasha looks at Arya. "You're a keeper. A witch that purifies darkness. In this world, there's a war looming on the horizon between darkness and us. Soon, the war will break out, and your magic is the only way to end this conflict. Do you understand the role you'll play in our lives now? Try to minimize the use of your power since you'll eventually need it. Ah, and I hope you won't tell anyone about our conversation. It's better for both of us."

"I'm glad there's someone who sees me for me," Natasha said. "Umm, Duchess? How did you know I was not from your world?" Arya tapped her own neck, "There's a sign that shows proof of your summons." "So, do I really have to fight this darkness?" Natasha asked timidly. "You're also a witch. So will we be fighting alongside?"

"You and I are different. Yours is light while mine is fire," Arya replied. "Then is there someone else with the same power as me?" Again Natasha asked. Arya replied no and added, "You seems to be taking all this pretty calmly. That's a good sign. But don't worry, since I will also be exercising the darkness."

"Huh? Did you say we are different?" Confused, Natasha asked. "Well, it's not like yours, that's true. While you try to erase it by purifying it, I burn them to ashes," Arya explained. "Burn... them to ashes?" Baffled, Natasha looked at Arya.

At Ivan's office :

Ivan, engrossed in his work, received a letter from the tower through the butler. Stefan, noticing the envelope, remarked, "Another one? How many do they intend to send?! Hey, do something about it. You can't just ignore it forever. What are you going to do if they use this as an excuse to sever the contact?" Ivan paid no heed and continued with his work. He glanced at Alfred and said, "Into the fire as usual."

The butler tossed the letter into the flame, but instead of catching fire, it floated onto Ivan's table. "Oh?! It's uncharted!" Stefan exclaimed. Ivan infused some of his mana into the envelope, revealing the contents. "What does it say?" Curious, Stefan asked, adding, "It must be from the tower master. He even went to this length, meaning they are serious. More reason to not let them meet her."

Ivan asked the butler, "Where is she?" to which he replied, "Lady Natasha is in the garden, having tea with the madam." After hearing the response, Ivan instructed, "Hmm, you may leave." Pondering the situation, he thought, 'Tea? What are you thinking?'

Stefan handed Ivan the ledgers, saying, "Here's the ledger containing the sum of money they spent in the last year. And here's the one for the past six months. Considering the amount they spent, their behavior seems brusque. What are you gonna do?" Ivan replied, "What else? It's our deal, of course, to make a strike."

Arya sat under the moonlight on her veranda, her thin silk nightgown fluttering gently in the breeze. Von nestled in her lap, asking, "Why did you do that?" Absentmindedly, she exhaled while gazing at the sky, "I just wanted to help. You live your whole life studying hard, getting a job, planning your future. But suddenly you woke up in a different place, a different world than you know. Strange people, strange place—it's scary. I know it, I feel her, what she is going through, how frightened she is. I can return to my world thanks to you, but she—she is going to be stuck here without even knowing that there's a way home. I guess I see myself in her."

As Von comforted her, resting a hand on her shoulder, she said, "But reversing a summoning is a difficult task. You need to study the circle very carefully. One mistake and your life could be in danger." "Don't worry, I've got the strongest phoenix by my side," Arya assured.



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