Chapter : 18

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Day of the festival……

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Day of the festival……

As dawn kissed the city awake, its streets ignited with a kaleidoscope of colors, each hue dancing with the morning light. Ribbons of laughter intertwined with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, weaving a tapestry of jubilation that blanketed every corner.

From the cobblestone alleys to the grand boulevards, the pulse of excitement echoed, drawing people from all walks of life into its embrace. As the city adorned itself in celebration, even the stones seemed to hum with anticipation, ready to witness the culmination of dreams long nurtured.

In this symphony of joy, children's laughter rang like bells, carrying the promise of a brighter tomorrow on each peal. And in the heart of it all, one could feel the city's spirit soaring, as if it had waited an eternity for this moment to burst forth in exultation, breathing life into the very air itself.

Arya went out at half past four o'clock. The roads were certainly busy; people buzzed along the streets. It was challenging to navigate through the crowds. The aroma of food filled the air, tantalizing one's senses. The sizzling sound of meat being fried heightened my appetite. The spot where cotton candy was sold was primarily occupied by children, resembling a rainbow with their vibrant colors.

Along with her, Miya and Ivan also tagged along. "Be careful; at a time like this, robbers are most active," Ivan said, observing her wandering about.
"Relax, Ivan. Can't hurt to loosen up a little," Arya said, excitement lighting up her eyes. "Let's go to that stall."
She was thrilled, like a carefree kid. Never before in her life had she felt this happy. It was also the first time she had felt this much happiness since coming into this world.

They went to an open café, specially set up for the occasion. There, Arya encountered Lady Eleanor, who rose excitedly from her seat upon seeing her.
"Lady Arya," Eleanor approached, "never thought I would run into you. Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
Nodding with a smile, Arya took a sit. Elenore commented on Arya's attire, "You look lovely, my lady."
"You flatter me, Lady Eleanor." Glancing at her side, it seemed she was with her escorts, "Are you out alone, Lady Eleanor?"

"I am, spending time alone like this is something I enjoy," Eleanor's warm smile appeared. "That's an admirable way to enjoy one's own company," Arya commented, adding, "In fact, the best way," and they burst into laughter. They continued chatting and indulged in some food, with the dessert being the highlight of the menu. Eventually, they had to bid farewell to each other.

As Arya strolled around the corner, she spotted a big tent in red and white colors, adorned with a clown head sign - a circus show. Her heart leaped with joy, and she grabbed Ivan's hand, pulling him towards it. "Slow down; you're going to hurt yourself," he cautioned as she dragged him along. A tall clown juggled balls at the entrance, captivating their attention.

After finishing there, they once again started their stroll; various dishes from different regions were added to the menus. Thanks to that, Arya got to try many delectable cuisines.
They ate, roamed around the city without a care in the world, becoming painted in the colors of the festival's joy. Well, except for the part where Ivan kept nagging her now and then. It felt like the whole world was filled with colors, as if an arc was about to be formed, but in a flash, it all went black.

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