Chapter 5 - Goodbyes

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It's been two days since Karna saved Tiasha. She has recovered almost magically. The faintest scars of the bruises are gone. Her Ankle has also healed and is now as good as new. She hasn't gone outside much as everyone feared that the robbers might still be after her. But she was not complaining. She enjoyed Her time with Vrushali and Radha.

Vrushali has become her closest friend within these two days. Radha has succeeded in becoming her second mother. And Karna...

Well, Tiasha doesn't know what to do with these feelings she is experiencing. These are something very new to her. Whenever he is around her heart races, and she waits like a thirsty bird to see him smile. They haven't talked to each other much but still, it feels like she has known him for decades.

Everything feels so normal to her as if she has always been a part of this time. She was never a neurosurgeon from Modern Kolkata. She had been close to these people all this time. she couldn't place it. But it didn't even take her a moment to adjust to this place. She always had trust issues but here it didn't even take her a moment to trust these people. This was unnatural yet, it was familiar. She felt she belonged here at this time, with these people.

Tiasha has opened up a little about herself. She told them that she had no family left. Her parents were dead and she had an elder sister who also died a long time ago. She doesn't have relatives who she can trust. Everyone felt bad for her and Karna's whole family and Vrushali practically took her under their wings. But when they asked her about what happened that night or how did she end up here she couldn't answer. Not like she didn't want to tell them but she didn't know what to say.

They didn't push her though. They thought maybe she was not ready to talk and left the subject alone. She just told them that she was being chased by some robbers.

Tiasha was telling Vrushali a story from her school days and laughing when Radha came in with a worried face.

"What's wrong maa?" Tiasha asked.

-"Putri, someone is outside. He is calling for you, saying that he is your Sakha." Radha said in an anxious tone, "And he seems to be a Rajpurush."

Tiasha and Vrushali both frowned, "I thought you said you didn't know anyone here?"

-"I don't", Tiasha replied, "Maa, did he say anything about who he is?"

Radha shook her head from side to side, "No Putri, he just says he is your Sakha and he wants to meet you."

Tiasha stood up, "Ok maa I will go see what it is."

As she was about to move Vrushali caught her arm, "Don't go Tiasha, what if it's a trap? Maybe those robbers are still after you." Radha nodded in agreement.

Tiasha knew that was not a possibility but she couldn't say it. So instead she said, "Don't worry Vrushali, you two are here, so even if he is, he can't do anything to me."

Tiasha stepped out of the room followed by Vrushali and Radha. The moment she reached the front door a familiar divine smell of Sandel wood and Kadamba enveloped her.

Her eyes met with the figure of a man with ethereal beauty and divine grace. His skin was as deep and enchanting as the midnight sky, his lotus-petal eyes held secrets of the universe, and his smile was as sweet as nectar, bewitching hearts. His face was a canvas of eternal joy and charm, graced by a regal peacock feather crown adorning his head, a golden silk dhoti that swayed gracefully with his every step, and ornate jewellery that adorned his being. An aura of divinity enveloped him, combining cosmic power with playful charm, a beacon of attraction that drew all into the embrace of his celestial presence.

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