Chapter 25 - Northern Panchal

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The chariot carrying Tiasha and Dushala entered through the gates of the newly built royal palace of Northern Panchal. Yudhishthira and Duryodhan on their horses in front of the chariot and the rest of the Rajkumars behind them. Ashwatthama along with Drona, his mama Kuru Kula guru Kripa and Guru Patni Kripi stood at the entrance to welcome them. 

Ashwatthama immediately rushed to hug Duryodhan. Duryodhan returned the hug with a smile on his face. Karna got down from the chariot and walked towards his two friends. Ashwatthama takes him into his embrace which he happily returns. 

Tiasha watched the three friends greeting each other smiling to herself. Ashwatthama released Karna and went to the chariot. He smiled and extended his hand to help Tiasha down the chariot.

A frown appeared on Yudhishthira's face. Karna simply turned his face away from them not wanting to see her take his hand.

Tiasha shook her head, "Why thank you Drauni, but I really hate being treated like the damsel in distress."

Ashwatthama nodded, "Right..." a little disappointed that she didn't take his hand but masked it well with a friendly smile. 

Yudhishthira and Karna sighed in relief.

Ashwatthama noticed Tiasha's bandaged palm and asked, "What happened to your hand Kumari?" 

Tiasha shook her head and smiled, "Nothing serious, just a small wound."

-"Should I call the Vaidya? Is it bad?"

-"What?" Tiasha laughed at Ashwatthama's concern over her small injury, "No, no, there is no need to call the Vaidya for this. It's just a small cut. It will heal in no time. Don't you worry about it. Focus on your big day tomorrow."

Ashwatthama smiled bowing his head dramatically. She looks even more beautiful when she laughs. The disappointment he felt a few moments ago vanished as he grinned at the thought of making Tiasha laugh.

Tiasha helped Dushala get down from the chariot. Ashwatthama led the girls and the princes where Drona, Kripa and Kripi stood. 

One by one everyone touched their feet and the elders blessed them. 

Kripi took the girls inside to their chambers. Ordering the dasis to take care of Dushala, Kripi lead Tiasha further down the corridor into a lavish chamber. 

-"Make yourself comfortable Putri, take some rest. You must be tired." She took Tiasha's face into both her palms looking at her, taking in all her features. Big and sharp dark eyes under perfectly shaped arched eyebrows, complimenting her dusky complexion, a sharp long nose, full plump rosy lips, chubby cheeks, and two moles on her chin, only making the young girl look even more eye-catching. 

Tiasha's lips curled up in a small smile as Kripi kissed her fingers after touching Tiasha's chin. 

-"I have been hearing about you a lot, your courage, your wit, your intelligence, but I never realised you would put the apsaras of the heavens in shame, Putri."

Tiasha's cheeks heated up turning red, "No Mata, I am just a simple girl, I am nowhere near an apsara." 

Kripi put an hand on her head, "I will leave you now, take some rest. You must be hungry, I will come and get you as soon as food is ready, ok?" 

Tiasha nodded smiling as Kripi took her leave.

The rest of the day went into the arrangement of Ashwatthama's coronation the next day. The princes along with Karna and Ashwatthama roamed around the palace while Tiasha and Dushala helped Kripi. 

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