Chapter 29 - Departure

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Tiasha started looking into the documents and records of Anga as soon as she could after Karna's departure.

Mahamahim Bhishma was a little confused as to why she was so curious about Anga Desh to begin with. They had started their lessons only a few days ago and he intended to teach her about the internal and core matters of Hastinapur at first. But Tiasha explained she wanted to get a grasp on the whole picture of the political situation that is going on in the entirety of aryavarth so she wants to start with foreign affairs. Mahamahim agreed.

Bhishma asked Tiasha, "Putri why are you putting this much emphasis on Anga?" 

Tiasha was prepared for this question, " Kururastra's biggest border with Magadha is in Anga Desh, and Anga Desh hasn't had a king for the longest time, with a new king taking the charges, Jarasandh might want to take over in this vulnerable situation. And looking at the conditions there, I don't think the Praja of Anga is very loyal to Hastinapur. We might face a war." 

-"So, what are you thinking of doing, Kumari?" Vidur asked.

-"I am not thinking of doing anything yet, Mahamantri, if Angaraj sends any news, then only we will get a clear picture of the situation and take action according to that."

After some time, when the discussion was finished, Tiasha left with a few documents and Vidur and Bhishma stared at her retiring figure with an impressed look on their faces.

Bhishma gave Vidur a satisfied and proud smile, "What do you think now, Vidur?"

-"I have never had doubts about your choice, Tat Shree, she is exceptional." Vidur returned the same smile as Bhishma.

-"Now, we just need Kunti and Yudhishthira's opinion on the matter."

-"I don't think Kunti Bhabishree will disagree. She is very fond of Kumari Tiasha, and Yudhishthira, well..." 

-"What about Yudhishthira, Vidur?"

-"He is quite affectionate." Vidur said smirking.

Bhishma frowned, which made Vidur continue, "I have heard, the four Pandavas teasing Yudhishthira, mentioning Tiasha Bhabishree."

Bhishma laughed shaking his head, "So, we are not the only one on this, are we?" 

-"I believe so, Tat Shree." Vidur smiled.

Tiasha was expecting a letter from Karna, so she was not at all surprised when a dasi entered Duryodhan's chamber, with a letter in her hand where the two friends were playing chess. 

She took the scroll from her and sat down reading with a slight frown on her forehead. 

Duryodhan asked, "What happened Sakhi? Who is this letter from?"

-"Vasusena." Tiasha answered almost in a whisper as she was still focused on the letter. 

-"Mitra Karna? What did he write? Is everything okay in Anga?" Tiasha didn't answer, she continued to read the long letter Karna had sent her.

When Tiasha didn't answer Duryodhan again asked impatiently, "Sakhi, do you hear me?"

Tiasha hummed, making Duryodhan pace back and forth. Tiasha finished reading the letter and looked up at Duryodhan. Duryodhan asked, "Well?"

Tiasha sighed, "Sakha, I am seriously worried about how you are going to take on life, you do not have an ounce of patience in your bones."

Duryodhan ignored the statement and said, "What did Mitra Karna say? Is everything okay in Anga?" 

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