Chapter 48 - Varanasi

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"And this year, the Oscar for the best actor male goes to...Dwarkadheesh Vasudev Shree Krishna." Tiasha announced as soon as they were alone, out of Kunti and the Pandavas' sight.

Krishna jumped up on a raised platform of rocks and did a bowing gesture in all directions.

-"I would like to thank my dearest Sakhi Kaushiki, without whom I wouldn't be standing on this stage, receiving this magnificent award. It's the greatest honour of my life, to achieve this. Thank you, thank you, everyone." Krishna said. The duo started doubling down in laughter. They walked together towards the end of the forest where Satyaki was waiting for them.

-"Now now, jokes aside, hurry up, we need to reach Kashi by tonight."

Tiasha frowned, "Wait, are we really going to Kashi?"

Krishna's expression turned grave. He said in a serious tone, "Did you think I lied in the name of Baba Vishwanath?"

-"No...umm...I mean..." Tiasha fumbled looking down.

Krishna started laughing, "The day will be written in golden letters on the pages of History, I fooled the Vishwamitra Siswaa Kaushiki. She fumbled thinking I was offended by her words."

Tiasha narrowed her eyes at his comment and immediately knowing what she was going to do, Krishna started running away from her. 

-"Hey!! Come back here!" she stated chasing after him.

Finally, when Tiasha caught him, the chariot of Dwarika and Satyaki came into their field of Vision.

Tiasha said panting heavily, "The only...good outcome of this chase...we reached the chariot faster."

Krishna replied panting as hard as Tiasha and grinning, "It... was all... my plan."

Tiasha closed her eyes for a moment to catch her breath. She shot him a glare and said, "Of course it was. And for the love of God, Jayantha, you are the face of the Yadavs, you are the father of two kids now. What are they going to learn from you?"

-"What do you mean by, I am the father of two kids now? Does that mean I am not allowed to have fun anymore? Besides, Pradyumna and Shamba are not present in the spot. Something that they don't see won't harm them..." Krishna said shrugging, "And for the Yadavs, they are not here, I bet Satyaki didn't see anything. Did you, Satyaki?" Krishna asked.

-"No, Jadupati, I didn't see anything." Satyaki said trying to hide his laughter. 

Tiasha smiled at Krishna's antiques, "Come on now, aren't we getting late?" 


They reached Varanasi, the bustling and vibrant capital city of Kashi in the afternoon. When she was in Kaliyuga, Tiasha always wanted to visit the ancient holy city of Varanasi or Banaras. But as they say, you can only visit the humble abode of Kashieswar Viswanath and Kashieswari Maa Annapurna when they want you to visit them. 

Tiasha looked around with curious eyes and Krishna watched her in amusement.

They stood at the bank of the Ganga on Dashashwamedh Ghat, watching the sun slowly descend from the sky. The little waves on Mata Ganga's body shone when the slanted golden rays made contact with them making it look like the most beautiful piece of cloth woven in golden threads. The rays of the sun and the waves of the water seemed like a couple, separated by destiny. The separation has only increased their love and yearning more with time. At this moment while the tired Surya Dev appeared bright crimson after a long day, they are united again, and without any care in the world, they have mixed themselves into each other.

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