Chapter 24 - Family

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The group decided to camp in a clearing near a small water body. 

Yudhishthira asked Nakul and Sahadev to prepare something for Tiasha's wound as she went to clean herself.

Sahadev prepared an herbal paste, "Bhrata, here is the paste give it to bhabishree it will help her heal faster."

-"Sahadev why are you giving me this, go give it to her." Yudhishthira said annoyed as he inspected if everyone had settled down. 

Nakul took the bowl and shoved it in Yudhishthira's hand, "We are very tired Bhrata, you go!" 

Nakul and Sahadev ran from there, giggling, not giving Yudhishthira any further chance to speak. Yudhishthira sighed, he became a little nervous to go to Tiasha.

He thought Tiasha would still be busy settling down so he would go inside her and Dushala's tent, leave the herbal paste there and come back silently.

He entered the tent only to meet Tiasha who was very much present there facing him.

Yudhishthira stood there as if someone had glued his feet on the ground.

She doesn't have her uttariya, just a pale lilac blouse and skirt. not a single piece of jewellery on her body yet she was glowing. One half her damp hair spread on her back while she dried off the other.  A sweet smell of Parijat reached Yudhishthira's nostrils as he stood there watching the divine beauty.

Tiasha felt a blush creeping on her cheeks as Yudhishthira stood at the entrance staring at her. She cleared her throat reaching for her uttariya to cover herself.

Yudhishthira came back to his senses, He felt ashamed for staring at her like that, "I am sorry Kumari, I umm... I didn't... I came to give you this... for your wound..." he stuttered turning red.

Tiasha smiled at him a little awkwardly, "I...It's ok Kumar, you don't need to apologize. I was umm... please come inside!"

He too smiled awkwardly at her, "Here... apply this on your wound then tie it up with a clean cloth... I ummm I need to... go see if everything is alright."

Tiasha nodded taking the small bowl from his hands. Their fingers brushed against each other. Tiasha smiled politely, "Thank you Kumar." gaining back her natural confidence.

Yudhishthira nodded and smiled at her before leaving. He walked a few steps away from the campsite. he stood leaning onto a tree, pressing his back against it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He brought his fingers to his lips. He remembered the soft feeling of her fingers brushing against his and smiled. 

He realised he was in love. He is in love with this enigmatic woman.

Tiasha sat bandaging her wound lost in thoughts. Why is Kumar Yudhishthira a blushing mess around her? He is not an extrovert person but what is with all this nervousness? He is not like this with other people.

Then she remembered the gift. She didn't have much time for the past two days to think about the gift and the nameless love letter she received.

Who could it be? The bracelet had an intricate lotus design of sapphire and emerald a large ruby in the centre, it was most definitely expensive. Why would someone give her something so expensive? 

And the letter, she would be lying if she said it didn't flatter her. She is beautiful in someone's eyes? The boys in her time never paid much attention to her or as people said were afraid of her. She couldn't fathom the thought of someone liking her.

she shook her thoughts and went outside the tent. She saw the kumaras sitting around the fire while dushala ran around with Nakul and Sahadev. She took a seat beside Duryodhan smiling at him.

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