Chapter 35 - Bonds

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After Sadhu Adinatha left, Bhupendra came back with an unknown man with him. Karna eyed the man curiously. His dark skin contrasted against his yellow attire. Dark brown eyes and a small mischievous smile always playing on his lips. He is not their Raj Vaidya. Then who is he?

-"Maharaj, our Raj Vaidya couldn't come, his wife said he is not home... I was returning right back but..." He pointed at the man and continued, "...but then he showed up. He said he is a Vaidya, he heard that we were looking for one...and I thought it was an emergency so I brought him..."

Karna sighed, he couldn't trust Tiasha's health with someone unknown. This new Vaidya is very young and probably has just finished his studies. He probably is not experienced at all.  As if reading Karna's doubts the man tried to assure him with a small smile, "Maharaj, trust me, I might be young but I am good at my job." 

Karna covered his surprise with a small cough. This is something Tiasha does all the time, read his thoughts. She says it's a simple observation. And now this man is also doing so. Is he that easy to read? 

-"Maharaj, I don't think it's wise to just stand here and waste time, I faster I examine Kumari Tiasha, the faster she will be healed." He laughed internally knowing exactly what Karna was thinking.

Karna nodded and they started walking towards Tiasha's chamber. Karna's suspicion and curiosity still haven't gone away. He asked, "I have never seen you around Mahasay, are you new here?"

The new Vaidya smiled, "My name is Banamali, Maharaj. I was travelling to Dwarika. I heard that there is an inauguration of Mata Krishnakali's temple here in Anga Desh, so I came here to visit. And I am glad that I did."

This man has something in his smile. It's comforting, it's contagious. His smile made Karna forget all his worries for a moment. He smiled back.

Banamali entered Tiasha's Chamber and saw The Pandavas, Ashwatthama, and Duryodhan sitting around with a worried face. Dushala is almost in tears holding Tiasha's, calling her, trying desperately to wake her up. They all looked at Banamali and Karna as they stood on the threshold.

He bit back a grin appearing on his face. Kaushiki surely knows how to make a family out of strangers, he thought. Maintaining a serious face as much as he could, he said, "I know, you are very much worried about Kumari but you all need to go out from here now."

Dushala tried, "Can I stay, Please?" 

-"I am extremely sorry Rajkumari but I cannot let you stay." he gave her a sympathetic smile as he took a seat beside Tiasha's bed. Duryodhan wrapped an arm around his sister and escorted her out of there, closing the door behind him.

Banamali sat patiently beside Tiasha as her eyelid scrunched in her slumber and she started tossing and turning. After about half an hour, she stopped and then sat up with a jerk, eyes snapping open and breathing heavily through her mouth. A hand held a glass of water in front of her, she took it without looking and gulped the water in one go. Then her eyes went to the man standing next to her bed, smiling down at her. 

She immediately knew who it was, looking into his dark brown eyes and warm smile. He can fool anybody and everybody with his disguise but not her. She wrapped her arms around his mid and buried her face in him.

Banamali withdrew his hands in surrender, "I don't think it's very appropriate to hug an unknown man like this Kumari Tiasha. What will your beloved Vasusena think, if he sees this?"

-"That you are my long lost lover..." Tiasha looked up with a small mischievous smile mirroring Banamali's. 

-"This is not very ladylike...not at all." Banamali's eyes twinkled.

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