Chapter 41 - Abduction

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It took everybody a moment to understand what was happening. Everyone present in the Sabha stood stunned even Dushasan and Karna.

The first one to come back to her senses was Supriya. Her panicked scream, "BHANU!!!" made everyone realise that Princess Bhanumati of Kalinga was being abducted by Kuru Kumar Duryodhan. Supriya ran full speed towards them to save her best friend from the clutches of that notorious man. When she reached them and tried to tug Bhanumati away, Duryodhan pushed her aside and she fell on the ground. Her forehead hit the door frame and hot crimson blood started to flow staining the floor red. Tears streamed down from Bhanumati's eyes seeing her dearest friend getting hurt. She cried, "SUPRIYA!!"

King Chitrangad's loud voice ordered the guards to stop Duryodhan, "GUARDS STOP HIM!" but all their efforts went into vain. With one hand he held Bhanumati and with the other, he held his Gada (Mace). He blew everyone that came into his way.

Uruvi too tried to run after them but the King of Kalinga stooped and dragged his niece away.

-"Mausha Shree please, Mausha Shree let me go, Bhanu needs me." Uruvi struggled against her father's grip.

-"Uruvi, dear, don't be a child, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you..." He dragged her inside and locked her inside a chamber. He ordered a Dasi to keep an eye on her.

Uruvi's Cries and screams could still be heard from inside. She banged on the door and pleaded tears clogging her voice, "Mausha Shree please let me out..."

King Chitrangad set a hand on the door, his own tears fogging his vision. He said, "I wouldn't let anything happen to Bhanu, I promised your Mausi...But I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you." He rushed out without waiting for her reply.

The guards of the Kalinga palace fell like uprooted trees in front of a devastating storm. Duryodhan's grip on Bhanumati's arm tightened each moment as he dragged her behind him. Bhanumati's pained cries and constant begging fell on deaf ears.

Several kings jumped up from their seats and chased after Duryodhan. Karna blocked their way, preventing them from going out of the Sabha Kaksha. Dushasan followed behind his brother and sliced through the guards that obstructed his path.

The grave sound of Karna's bow string made everyone cover their ears. His divine golden armour shined in its full glory deflecting every strike from each of his opponents.

The once beautifully decorated Swayam Var Sabha of Kalinga Princess turned into a small battleground. The cheerful music of Sitar and Tanpura turned into the dreadful sound of clashing blades. The enchanting smell of exotic flowers was replaced by the metallic smell of blood, and yellow and white curtains were now stained with a splash of crimson.

Karna's bow sang through the air, arrows finding their mark with deadly accuracy as he single-handedly repelled the onslaught of the enraged kings. The clash reached its crescendo as Karna, like a force of nature, stood amidst the fallen, a solitary figure in the midst of the chaos. His skilful manoeuvres and unmatched combat prowess turned the tide of the battle, as one by one, the kings from other lands fell before him. Their valiant efforts proved futile against the might of Karna, who seemed almost invincible in the heat of the skirmish. All of them were stuck inside cages of arrows.

Karna rushed out of the court and to the entrance of the palace.

In between all this chaos, one stood still in his place. Yudhishthira couldn't comprehend the head or tail of the situation. When he did, he was happy and mortified at the same time. Happy and relieved because now, he doesn't have the thought of marrying someone else other than Tiasha, bother him. Mortified because of what his brother did. And terrified because when the news reaches Hastinapur, Pitamah Bhishma will be after Duryodhan's life. He tried to join the battle against Karna but within seconds he was caged, with no space left for him to even move the slightest.

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