Chapter 6 - Revelation

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The chariot stopped beside the river bank just outside the borders of Hastinapur. Krishna got down and signalled Tiasha to follow. They sat under a tree.

Krishna started, "Ask what you want to ask."

-" Why were you in such a hurry? You didn't want me to meet him?", Tiasha asked.

Krishna sighed, he looked towards the sky, "Hey Madan, what have you done?" Tiasha frowned. Krishna continued, "Out of everything that is going on you ask me this? And I thought you were the rational one."

Tiasha didn't reply she continued looking at him with a frown. Seeing her Krishna smiled, "You will meet him again and that too very soon."

Tiasha broke into a smile. The next moment her expression became serious, "What is happening Jayantha? Why did you bring me here? I know it was you that night. I don't understand anything. I have come to another time, my behaviour has changed but I feel at peace, I feel at home." 

Krishna smiled at the name, "Sakhi, you feel at home because you belong here. You may have been born on Kaliyuga but you belong here, at this time. Mahabharat has many endings and you are a crucial part of one of them."

-"What do you mean?"

-"There is nothing, not a single event in Mahabharat that you don't know of, you know who sage Kakabhushundi is, right?"

-"Yes the sage who saw the many endings of Mahabharat and Ramayana."

-"Correct Sakhi, and your modern science has predicted that Your universe is one of the many present in a multiverse?"

-"Yes and there is a mention of you calling all the Brahmas from the multiverse once."

Krishna cackled, "See, you know everything about this time, what happened in the past what is going to happen in the future everything, maybe you know even more than me. you know how I die don't you?"

-"Yes I do," Tiasha said with a sigh lowering her head, "But, what is this all about?"

-"As I said earlier Sakhi you are the blessing of Mata Mahakali," Krishna looked at Tiasha with a mysterious smile, "Aren't you?"

"Well I don't know about being a blessing, all I know is my mother and my grandmothers, all three of them prayed to Maa Kali for a boy. but in the end, they got me." Tiasha sighed. 

Krishna set a hand on her shoulder, "Sakhi you are blessed, you have a gift of altering time. Time and space is very mysterious, just like human mind. There is not one Mahabharat. There is not one Arjun, one Duryodhan or one Karna. At this very moment somewhere else in the multiverse, another Mahabharat is being written by time, which is very different from this one. In this version, you are one of the most crucial characters. you can change lives and alter events and this Mahabharat can have a different ending. you have the power for that. And that is why you are here."

Tiasha looked at him surprised, "This is a very big responsibility you are putting on my shoulders Jayantah."

-"You cannot change everything. In some places, you would be able to do nothing at all. All you can do is try Sakhi, some will change, and some will not. And sometimes you need to sit back and just let things happen. Everything cannot be changed. The ultimate goal is to make this world a better place for everyone. Not everything is on our hands but we can try."

Tiasha took in a deep breath, "So what do I do now?"

The mischievous smile returned to Krishna's face. he said "Oh no you do not have to do anything right now, you enjoy your time. You are going to the Kalapradarshan of the Kuru Rajkumars along with Subhadra." seeing Tiasha's serious face he said, "You will know when you need to do something. Now don't worry your pretty little head with that and enjoy your time."

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