Chapter 20 - Mother

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Karna and Tiasha reached his house.

Radha was in the kitchen when she heard Karna's voice, "Radha maa, Radha maa! Where are you? Look who I have brought!"

Radha's eyes teared up. She hasn't seen her son in days. She doesn't know how her son looks with his crown. Radha rushed outside.

There stood her son and beside him...her Tiasha! She has finally returned! Tears of joy fell freely from Radha's eyes.

Tiasha rushed to her and wiped her tears, "Why are you crying Maa?"

-"I am not crying Putri, both my children have come to visit me, I am just happy."

Radha engulfed Tiasha in a hug. Tiasha returned the hug, burying her face in Radha's chest.

-"I missed you maa, I wanted to come here much sooner, but I got stuck with something."

Radha held Tiasha's pouting face in her palm. She kissed her forehead, "I know my Putri must have something very important in her hand, or else she would have come to see her Mata sooner."

Karna watches the interaction with a smile on his face. He fake pouted, "Ohh now you get all of Radha maa's attention! What is this Radha maa now you only love your daughter? Is your son not important to you anymore?"

Radha laughed as Tiasha looked at Karna with a cheeky grin. Radha beckoned Karna.

He rushed to his mother and touched her feet. Radha held his shoulder and took him into her embrace.

-"You don't know how happy I am today. Both my children are here. Come inside you two, I have made sweets."

Karna and Tiasha smiled at each other and went inside following behind Radha. Radha sat them down. her eyes fell on the rectangular board in Tiasha's hand.

-"What is this Putri?", Radha asked pointing at the board. Karna also looked at Tiasha curiously.

-"I...umm...I made something for you maa..." Tiasha mumbled, her cheeks flushing as she tore the paper wrapped around the board. 

She turned it around towards Radha, and Radha saw herself. It was a portrait of Radha sitting down making a garland for puja. Her eyes shone brightly and a beautiful smile on her face. 

Both Radha and Karna looked at it in awe. Radha touched the portrait with one hand and cupped Tiasha's cheek with the other, "You made this for me Putri?"

Tiasha teared up a little, "I wanted to give you something maa, I wanted to show how much I love you, I didn't know what to give you, what you would like, and your daughter doesn't have anything to give you except this..."

-"Ohh my dear, this is beautiful, and you ask what I'll like If you give me a handful of dirt that would be more precious than all the gold and jewels in this world. And this, this is the best I can ever get." She took the painting from Tiasha's hand and kept it on beside her.

Radha cupped Tiasha's face with both her hands now, "Although, there is one more thing more precious than this..." She smiled at Tiasha's puppy eyes, "...That is you, my dear." 

Tiasha wrapped her arms around Radha's mid as Radha soothed her hair.

She held Tiasha's face, "Now come you two, I made food for you." Tiasha smiled and Karna just sat there grinning and watching his two favourite women in the world. 

Radha refused to let her two children eat with their hands, as she sat between the two feeding them with her own hands.

Radha was hesitating to ask Tiasha where she was and how did she met Karna again. Seeing Radha looking at her from time to time and opening and closing her mouth Tiasha finally decided to ask, "Maa, you can ask me, what you want and I know I have a lot to explain."

Radha asked, "Where have you been Putri? And how did you meet Vasu again?"

Tiasha looked down. Karna answered for Tiasha, "Maa, Kumari has been living in Hastinapur palace."

Radha's eyes widened in surprise, "You were living in Hastinapur palace?"

Tiasha looked up, guilt and sadness evident in her eyes. She has to lie again and this time to Radha Maa. She felt the pain of a thousand arrows piercing her heart remembering how she had been lying to everyone but she could not do anything about that.

-"As I promised maa, I will explain everything to you."

She started her story. When she finished Radha pulled Tiasha to her chest. Tiasha mumbled, "I am sorry maa I couldn't tell you all this before. I am so sorry, it's hard for me to talk about this, It takes a lot of time for me to open up." She held Tiasha's head with one hand and caressed Karna's face with the other. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

-"You two are so brave, I am so proud of you both my children. And my dear, don't be sorry, I know it's hard for you. I am your maa now, OK? You are not alone you have your maa always with you OK?"

Tiasha nodded smiling. Radha wiped the water from the corner of Tiasha's eyes and kissed her forehead, "This is your home, you can always come here, OK?" Tiasha nuzzled her head on Radha's chest.

The melancholic topic was changed and Tiasha told Radha the story of Karna's coronation day. Radha was a little sad but at the same time, she was happy that Tiasha was the one to crown him. A strong urge to see them together appeared in her heart. She saw the bond between them. But it's just her wish. The final decision is up to them and the gods.

Karna kept looking at the two. Tiasha, his Tiasha is always so strong never afraid to stand up against what she thinks is wrong. Never fails to voice her opinion. His Tiasha who defeated Duryodhan in a duel is the same Tiasha who is now clinging onto Radha maa. He has discovered another side of her today. The side, that only very few people know of. The wonderful side of her that she constantly keeps locked up. The funny and bubbly side of the young woman she is and the vulnerable fragile side that she has only shown in front of Radha Maa.

If he was protective before now he is overprotective. He wouldn't allow anyone to speak one harsh word to her. One thing against her and he wouldn't hesitate to end that person's life then and there. He will always stand beside her even to the end of this world. He would protect her at the cost of his life. 

Although he doesn't know if she would ever reapproach his feelings, he wouldn't complain even if she doesn't. He just wants to see her happy. And he just wants to be at her side when she needs him. His life will be filled with happiness if she lets him be a part of her life, whether it's beside her or behind her only as a friend, it doesn't matter.


On the special occasion of Diwali a special cute family time chapter with Radha maa and Karna. Honestly, I missed Radha Maa so much, and what could be a better occasion than Diwali to bring her back? 

I love writing about the bond of mother and daughter between Radha Maa and Tiasha. I hope you like it too.

It's just been one month since I published my first chapter and I got so much love and support from you guys. I feel so connected to you all. This story and your comments are like my escape from all the problems. I just want to say thank you everyone.

Happy Diwali to you all, my dear readers. let the lights of Diwali light up your lives as well. Be happy spread happiness and most importantly take care of yourself. 

Adiós, my lovely and sweet readers.

PS: I just found this on Pinterest, 

PS: I just found this on Pinterest, 

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It made my day.

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