Chapter 33 - Anga V

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Tiasha and Karna accompanied by Bhupendra and Indrasena reached the cremation ground in the evening. They saw the mysterious Sadhu Adinatha and his Sahachars sitting in front of a big fire.

The four of them bowed down folding their hands. Sadhu Adinatha blessed them. One of the companions of Sadhu Adinatha who wore two cow horns around his neck came forward and accepted the bhiksha that Tiasha had brought with her.

Sadhu Adinatha gestured for them to sit down.

he started, "Anga is a very divine place. The dome-shaped land of Anga is ideal for Sakti Upasana. I have got an instruction from Mata herself, she wishes to reside here."

-"It is our great fortune Baba that Mata Mahakali wants to reside in our land." Karna folded his hands.

Sadhu Adinatha smiled, "Mata wants to take puja in a very unique form Angaraj, devi Tiasha who is your Aradhya Devi?"

Tiasha stared at Sadhu Adinatha's eyes for a few moments then replied, "Devi Krishnakali."

-"Built a temple for devi Krishnakali, Angaraj."

Bhupendra cleared his throat, "Forgive me, Baba, but why Kumari's..."

Sadhu Adinatha raised his hand to stop Bhupendra. Everyone noticed for a moment Adinatha's eyes blazing. The moment his eyes blazed all of them felt the ground beneath them shaking.

Sadhu Adinatha said in a cold tone, "Do you want to go against Mata's wish?"

Karna pleaded, "No Baba, he didn't mean to say it like that."

Bhupendra fell to his feet crying, "Forgive me, Baba, please forgive me..."

-"Baba, please calm your anger." Tiasha pleaded.

Hearing her voice Sadhu Adinatha's eyes went back to their normal calmness and the ground stopped shaking.

-"There is an auspicious date in two weeks, the inauguration will happen on that day."

Tiasha asked, "Baba, that's a very short time, How will we manage to get everything done."

Sadhu Adinatha smiled, "If Mata has decided to take puja, she will arrange everything for herself, you don't have to worry about it, Devi."

And just like that everything happened magically. The very next day an unknown architect came from somewhere and within two weeks the small but magnificent temple was built. Tiasha was worried about a having priest who does Sakti Upasana. But that also was solved as a Brahmin from Rarh Banga named Siddhananda Agamavagisha came to seek a job in Anga. Sadhu Adinatha himself took the responsibility of teaching him all the rituals and customs. Sadhu Adinatha said that he would perform the inauguration of Devi with the help of Siddhananda.

A day before the inauguration Karna and Tiasha visited the temple. They were not allowed to visit before it was finished, only Sadhu Adinatha visited during that time. There they stood stunned in the middle of the central Upasana Kaksha. In the centre stood a Shivalinga. A few steps behind it stood the Idol of Devi Krishnakali in all its glory. At the very back of the wall was a Golden statue of Surya Narayan sitting in a chariot pulled by seven horses. A ruby was embedded in Surya Dev's crown. The entire thing was built in a way that the first ray of sun would directly fall on that ruby and that would illuminate the entire Upasana Kaksha. Beautiful curving of various motifs and figures on yellow limestone made the temple a sight to watch.

Tiasha has sent invitations to Hastinapur, Northern Panchal and Dwarika to attend the inauguration. Hastinapur and Northern Panchal accepted while Krishna refused. Later Karna told Tiasha he wanted to send an invitation to Jarasandh to maintain the peaceful relations between the two Kingdoms. Now Tiasha understood why Jayantha refused her invitation.

One day prior to the inogration, in the afternoon all the guests arrived. Mahamahim Bhishma came with his Grandsons, Granddaughter, Gandhar Raj and the new Yuvraj of Hastinapur. Ashwatthama arrived a bit later.

Tiasha was immediately tackled in a hug by Dushala.

-"I missed you so much, Didi."

-"I missed you too my dear sister."

-"We missed you as well." Nakul and Sahadev pouted. Tiasha smiled at them and opened her arms.

Nakul and Sahadev without wasting any time picked Tiasha up and sprung her around.

-"Put me down you two. What do you want? That I fall and break my leg huh?" Nakul and Sahadev placed her down and grinned from ear to ear. Everyone around them smiled and laughed at this exchange.

Duryodhan snatched Tiasha from Nakul and Sahadev and hugged her. He whispered in her ear, "I have so much to tell you." Tiasha patted his back and similarly whispered, "I know and I will listen to everything."

Shakuni stood there and watched with a sour expression on his face.

Tiasha went out to show Bhishma and Yudhishthira around with Dushala Nakul and Sahadev on her side. Karna took Duryodhan, Dushasan and Ashwatthama with him. All of them were stunned to see the progress that has been made during these two months.

-"I am so proud of you Putri. You did an exceptional job in here." Bhishma praised Tiasha after they came back from the tour.

-"I am glad that I could put your teachings to good work Pitamah. Although I only helped in a few places, most of it was done by Angaraj, Bhupendra and Indrasena." Tiasha touched Bhishma's feet and Bhishma patted her head with a proud and content smile on his face.

The next day started with various shouts of hurry and excitement. People running around here and there to get everything done perfectly.

Sadhu Adinatha started the puja. They did a special kind of puja called 'Kumari Puja' at the beginning. A little girl was dressed up as Devi and Adinatha worshipped her along with Tiasha and Karna at his side.

The idol of Devi Krishnakali glowed in divinity. The sun shined happily in the sky. The Praja were also happy. Various Dannas were being made by Karna.

As the puja came to an end Sadhu Adinatha said to Karna, "The puja is completed, everything went well. Devi is happy. Now there is only one thing left, you know our devi loves singing and dancing so I and my Anuchars want to perform a dance for devi."

-"That would be great Baba." Karna replied smiling.

Sadhu Adinatha started dancing with his Anuchars. Tiasha saw a man dressed in yellow dhoti and angavastra standing in front of the temple gate. The very familiar pair of brown orbs met with Tiasha's own and the man smiled.

Tiasha grinned, you have finally arrived Jayantha I knew you would never refuse my invitation, I knew you would come.

What she saw after that cannot be described in words.

Krishna's attire changed, with and blink of an eye his flute appeared on his hands and a garland of white flowers adorned around his neck. Another figure appeared beside him. The mother of the universe in the fierce form stood, wearing a garland of skulls, next to Muralidhar. The scene in front of Tiasha changed she saw in place of Sadhu Adinatha, Mahabhairav the guru of all tartars dancing and smiling at his other half. She saw Krishna and Kali close their eyes and merge with each other. A heavenly glow surrounded them as they took the form of the devi that stood inside the temple. Devi Krishnakali, her Istadevi smiled at Tiasha and entered the temple leaving behind a trail of red footsteps which gave away a divine glow.

At that moment Tiasha's whole world spun, her vision blurred with tears and she fell into unconsciousness.


Phew! I did a five-chapter marathon. I don't know if they are good enough or not. Do let me know your thoughts, dear readers. Do you think I can make any improvements?

Thank you so much for reading. I will see you all very soon.

Till then, take care.

Adiós, my lovely readers ❤️.

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