Chapter 7 - Hastinapur

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A chariot entered the royal gates of Hastinapur.

Maharani Gandhari along with her daughter Dushala and Mata Kunti waited for the arrival of Yadav Kumari Subhadra and someone Bhishma mentioned as Krishna's Sakhi.

Mahamahim Bhishma, Gandhara Raj Shakuni and Mahamantri Vidur were also present there to welcome both the girls. They were very specifically curious about the other girl.

Mahamahim got a last-minute notification about her arrival from Vasudev himself. He just mentioned that she is his Sakhi and nothing more.

Everyone else except for Gandhari saw the two girls getting down from the chariot.

One was pale in a bright red attire and the other one was tan in a dark green attire. Both of them were extremely beautiful but one stood out than the other.

One is bubbling with excitement and the other is completely calm and composed.

As soon as they got down from the chariot Dushala ran towards the one in the red garments. They hugged each other.

Kunti led Gandhari to the girls and the men followed.

Tiasha folded her hands in front of everyone and touched their feet.

Subhadra released Dushala from her embrace and followed Tiasha.

- "Ayushmati bhava." Bhishma blessed Tiasha.

-"I am very sorry I caused you all so much trouble with my unexpected visit."

A pleased smile appeared on everyone's face in her polite gesture.

Gandhari said, "No Putri you caused us no trouble. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want."

She went to Kunti and touched her feet. when she stood up Kunti touched her chin and said, "You are so beautiful, Putri."

Tiasha blushed, "Not more than you Mata."

Everyone laughed at Tiasha's reply except one.

-"Come Putri I will take you to your rooms", Kunti said. Tiasha and Subhadra followed.

They reached Subhadra's room and Dushala dragged Subhadra inside. Kunti and Tiasha smiled at the younger girls' action.

-"We didn't know what you liked Putri so we arranged some things on our own, if you need anything come to me or tell any of the dasis around here."

-"What are you saying Mata, even this is too much for me. I don't need anything else." Tiasha smiled as they walked inside her chamber.

Tiasha was awestruck by the grand royal chamber in the Hastinapur palace.

-"Now take some rest. And if you need anything just ask, ok? I will leave you alone"

Kunti smiled at the girl who was busy admiring the chamber. 

Tiasha nodded. Kunti called the Dasi, "Malika, look after Kumari and provide her with anything she needs." with that she left.

What she liked the most was a big open balcony which gave her a stunning view of the royal garden.

As Tiasha was admiring the view Dushala and Subhadra entered. Tiasha turned to the two young girls.

She smiled and folded her hands towards Dushala, "Pranam Kuru Kumari."

Dushala smiled shyly and returned the gesture, "Pranam." she then looked at Tiasha expectedly and continued, "Subhadra told me you call her Behena. Me and Subhadra we only have elder brothers, we both always wanted an older sister, and now she has one, you, can you be my elder sister too?"

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