Chapter 19 - Yatra

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All the princes assembled at the front entrance of the palace, clad in armour holding their weapons. They were waiting for Guru Drona to arrive. The royal ladies did arati to the princes before they embarked on their journey for their first-ever battle.

-"Putra Duryodhan I have faith in your strength and courage, it is your duty to look after your brothers. I am trusting you with the responsibility of your brothers. And don't take the lives of innocent soldiers without any valid reason. Remember that they also have a family just like you do. Come back safe. Your Mata will be waiting for you. Vijayi Bhabha Putra." Gandhari blessed Duryodhan as he touched her feet.

A lone tear escaped Kunti's eyes as the Pandavas stood up after touching her feet.

-"In a mother's heart her sons always remain children. And I am scared for my children. I am scared for your safety. If any of you bleed today at the battle it is your mother who is actually bleeding. If any of you are in pain your mother is the one in pain. But I have faith in my Putras. I know you all will be exceptional on the battlefield today.

Bheem, Arjun it is your responsibility to look after your brothers today on the battlefield. Yudhishthira my son it's your mother's request, please don't let injustice occur to any innocent soul. Remember the soldiers you are fighting also have a mother waiting for them to come home."

They touched the feet of the others who stood there to see the Rajkumars off for their journey.

Karna stood beside Duryodhan holding his bow. The Pandavas gave him a dirty look.

Tiasha stood in the back with Gandhari and Kunti. Karna looked at her turning his head. She nodded giving him a reassuring smile. He too nodded and turned around releasing a breath. Duryodhan was scrawling at the Pandavas.

Guru Drona arrived, Ashwatthama following closely behind him. He smiled at Tiasha and she too gave him a nod smiling in return.

Guru Drona started, "This is your first battle, in the coming years you are going to face many more, but first of anything is very important. Your experience might be good or bad but never give up. If you go to a battle or a duel with a negative mindset, you are never going to win. I must warn you Drupad is not an easy opponent, He is a master of war strategy, planning an attack and viyu formation. Some say he is Mayavi, but remember my students, no Maya can beat you if you keep your eyes open and have faith in yourself. I wish you all the best, I will wait at the royal court of Panchal for you to bring Drupad to my feet. Vijayi Bhabha."

The Rajkumars touched his feet. They were about to proceed when they heard Drona's voice again, "This is a war for my Gurudhakshina from my student, Angaraj, and I don't remember you being my student. I didn't even allow any soldiers to join. So you cannot accompany them."

Duryodhan looked at Tiasha who was already looking at him. His sakhi was right. Guru Drona does have a bizarre but undeniable reason, for not letting his Mitra take part in the battle. He tried one last time, "Gurudev, he is with me. I asked him to join us, and help me..."

He was stopped midway, "As I said Duryodhan it is only my students who can join."

Bhishma stopped Duryodhan before he could argue more, "Duryodhan, It's Guru Drona's decision how he wants his Dhakshina. It's his Gurudhakshina, you have to proceed without your friend. It will be an insult to Gurudev if you openly ignore his direct orders."

Karna gave Duryodhan a knowing smile. Duryodhan sighed and gave a nod to both of his friends Karna and Tiasha before he left with the others. Ashwatthama and Drona also went with them.

After the kumaras left the royal family started to head inside the palace. Tiasha signalled Karna to wait a moment and asked Kunti, "Mata, Before I left Angaraj's house to come here, I promised Radha maa that I would come back to meet with her as soon as I could. Can I please go see her Mata?"

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