Chapter 37 - Vrushali

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-"They were here to propose Vrushali's marriage with you, Putra."

Tiasha's heart dropped. Vrushali is his true love. Always was and always will be. This is the truth but it shatters her heart into pieces. Tiasha looked down. She felt the pool of hot tears trying to escape her eyes. But she can't let that happen. She loves him. Yes, she loves him, only and only him. 

But love is all about sacrifices, isn't it? Not all love stories have a happy ending. Look at her Jayantha and Dear Rai. Even the divine love story of Vrindavan doesn't have a happy ending. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she blinked her tears away. He will be happy with Vrushali and his happiness is all that matters to her. She can live with a little heartache but she cannot see him in pain.

Radha's words thundered upon Karna's head. Marriage? With Vrushali? Karna looked outside the window with a stoic face. 

Radha noticed both her children. She wanted to confirm her ideas about the two and asked Tiasha, "Putri what do you think?..." She continued, "I think it's for the best. Vrushali is a very good girl. She and My Radheya have been friends since childhood, they know each other well. They will be good for each other, Don't you think?"

Karna turned his face towards his mother at lightning speed. He couldn't believe his ears, is he hearing her correct? Vrushali and him? No No No No No...

Tiasha looked up, her eyes slightly red. She forced a smile and said, "Vrushali is perfect for your Radheya, Maa. Of course, you know the best for your son."

Karna looked at her in disbelief. A small sad smile appeared at the corner of his lips. Of course. How can he even imagine that she will be with him? He remembered what Gandhar Raj said, Yuvraj of Hastinapur and the King of Northern Panchal. He is not even on the list of competitors, who can take part in the race. He is just a Suta Putra. There are hundreds of other worthy Princes and Kings in Aryavarth. Who is he in front of them, just a Suta Putra?

Karna failed to notice Tiasha's reddish eyes and quivering lips, but Radha didn't. She smiled watching the two pieces of her heart. She cupped Tiasha's face in her palms and said, "Of course, I know who will be the best for my son."

Vrushali entered the room. She beamed seeing Tiasha there. She flashed a huge smile to Radha and went straight to Tiasha and hugged her. Tiasha hugged her back reluctantly. Her eyes fell on Karna and she lowered her head smiling shyly. Karna's stoic expression returned. 

Vrushali asked Radha, "Kaki can I take Tiasha with me for some time?" 

-"Go ahead Putri, I have some matters to talk about with Vasu." Tiasha nodded as Vrushali tugged her arm. Tiasha gave one last look towards Karna who was looking out of the window again and went out with Vrushali.

Radha turned Karna's face towards her. She looked into his eyes and asked, "You love her don't you?" 

Karna thought Radha was talking about Vrushali. He replied, "No, maa I don't, not the way you want me to. Vrushali is a good girl, but I can't marry her. I don't love her like that maa. She has always been like a little sister to me. I...I am in love with someone else."

Radha sighed, "And who said I was talking about Vrushali? When I asked if you love her or not, I was asking you about that someone else."

Karna's eyes widened.

Radha added, "We, me and your father told Vrushali's parents, that the decision of your marriage is up to you. It's your life and you have every right to choose your own life partner. We have no say in that."

"How did you know Maa?"

-"You think I wouldn't know my children's heart? I can see it clearly in your eyes."

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